Congratulations on your DCU course offer!
We have listed the steps you will need to take from now until we welcome you in September.

Step 1: Applications
Once we have received your completed application through the Student Application Portal (SAP) it will be assessed, and sent forward to the relevant faculties in DCU for review.
We will contact you through your SAP account with updates during the process and with a final decision on your application.
If you receive an offer from us through your SAP account, you will need to accept the offer by the reply date.
If you receive an offer from us through your SAP account, you will need to accept the offer by the reply date.
Once you accept an offer and have paid a deposit, you will receive registration information and instructions by email in September.

Step 2: Receive Your Welcome Information & My DCU Login
After an offer has been accepted and deposit paid through your SAP account, you will receive registration information and instructions by email in September.
Once you have completed the steps to get access to DCU systems (new student onboarding), you will then be able to:
- Access 'My DCU'
- Register for your course and pay your fees
Once registration for all students is complete, students will receive a separate email regarding how to get their student card.
See Step 3 for further orientation details.

Step 3: Registration & Orientation
Before coming to DCU, you must register online for the modules on your course.
You’ll need the registration information and instructions from step 2 to do so.
Registration for first year postgraduate students, including Postgraduate Research, takes place between Monday, 6th September, to Friday, 17th September.
For guidance on the registration process, visit the Registration Information Page.
If you have a query in relation to online registration, please submit an online query.
For any queries on fees, please contact; fees@dcu.ie.
From early September, you will have access to ‘My DCU at Loop’. Live lunchtime workshops and online activities will be available from 15th to 17th September. These sessions include talks from the Library, Professional Services staff and SU/Clubs and Societies. Lunchtime webinars and live on-campus events will take place the week 20th September!
Meanwhile, the Faculties are working hard to finalise timetables. They will be available as soon as possible.
You’ll also have access to your Programme-specific Orientation information when you log on to My DCU.

Now that most of the serious work is done, you can start exploring all that DCU has to offer!

Offer Queries
Please accept your DCU offer through the SAP. If you are having trouble with this, please contact postgraduateadmissions@dcu.ie or visit dcu.ie/registryqueries.
If you would like to defer, please contact postgraduateadmissions@dcu.ie and include your application number.
For international offers, please contact international.office@dcu.ie and include your application number.

Registration Queries

Fees Queries
Fees should be paid as part of the online registration process, under step 1.
If a third party is paying your fees, they can call the DCU easypay number 01-2530219 to make the payment. They will need your student number and date of birth to hand. Some 60% of your fees must be paid at this time, and the balance of 40% on or before 28th January, 2022.
If you have a SUSI grant, you are required to pay 60% of the total fees less the €3500 SUSI award. You must have your SUSI application number during the registration process.
See our Fees FAQ or our Fees Schedule for information about fees for the academic year. Alternatively, email fees@dcu.ie for more information.

Orientation & Support Queries
You will be able to log in to My DCU at Loop from early September. Once in ‘My DCU at Loop’ you will have access to your personalised Orientation Schedule.
Contact student.support@dcu.ie if you have any questions.

Alumni Discount
DCU offers a 10% reduced fee scheme exclusive to all DCU graduates and outgoing final year students. It applies to any full time or part time taught Masters Programme for the 2021/22 academic year. The discount will be applied upon your payment of fees in Semester 2.
For information on how to avail of this discount, please click here.

Information About My Programme
Your programme chairperson will be in touch closer to the start date (5th October) to welcome you to the programme.
Faculties are working hard to finalise timetable details and we hope to get them to you as soon as possible.
In the meantime, if you have any general questions about DCU please contact studenthelp@dcu.ie and we will be happy to assist you.