Vacancy Advertising Policy
Dublin City University strives to foster a culture amongst its staff and student community that is open, collegial, collaborative, student focused and ambitious. These values reflect a commitment to equality, educational opportunity, social justice, ethical behaviour and academic freedom. In applying open, transparent and merit based effective recruitment and selection procedures the University strives to attract and retain high quality staff that share and live our values. The following procedures are designed to ensure our process is planned, organised and conducted in a way that supports an objective, transparent merit based assessment of every candidate and ensure that the best candidate has been selected on their merits and abilities.
Recruitment and Selection
2.3 Advertising
In general, vacancies should be advertised so as to ensure the best possible field of applicants. Advertisements should refer to the University being an Equal Opportunities Employer and be designed to comply with the University's Equality and Access Policy.
Procedures for Advertising: Vacancies to be advertised, whether internally in the first place or externally, should be given as wide a circulation as possible to those who are likely to possess appropriate qualifications and have relevant experience. For permanent positions, it is normal practice to advertise publicly in a national newspaper. In addition to this, the DCU Intranet, World Wide Web, international journals and local newspapers will be used where appropriate. The most appropriate method of advertising is determined by the nature of the position. The Human Resources Office can advise on the various options available. In keeping with the University's policy to attract the most suitable candidates, headhunting and/or personal invitation to apply may be used concurrently with public advertising where deemed appropriate as an additional source of qualified applicants. Advertising should be cost effective.
Staff on Parental Leave, Leave of Absence or Sabbatical Leave will, where possible, be informed of relevant vacancies by the Head of School/Unit. All job advertisements are agreed between the Human Resources Office and the Head of School/Unit. Once agreed, an Advertising Application Form should be completed and returned to the Human Resources Office (Advertising Section) together with all the material to be sent to candidates.