Educational Assessment and Artificial Intelligence: Beyond the Buzz
Professor Ernesto Panadero delivered his inaugural lecture on Wednesday 6 March.
The talk, ‘Educational Assessment and Artificial Intelligence: Beyond the Buzz’, took place in the Seamus Heaney Theatre on Dublin City University’s St Patrick’s Campus in Drumcondra.
Prof Panadeo joins DCU from University of Deusto in Bilbao, and he holds an honorary professorship at Deakin University in Australia, at the Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning.
The Professor joins DCU as Prometric Chair, one of three philanthropic chairs at the DCU Institute of Education. Bringing global insights, experience and networks to Irish education, and sharing the insights and experience of Irish education with a global audience is a key aim of these philanthropic chairs.
Explaining the themes behind his talk, Prof Panadeo said:
In my presentation I discussed the five main lines of research I have worked on: self-assessment, rubrics, peer assessment, self-regulated learning, and teachers in assessment. Then I presented a couple of joint conclusions from those lines of research and connected them with one main tension from GenerativeAI: Cognitive offloading. Finally, I talked about the possible direct applications of GenAI on those five lines of research, providing specific venues of research.
Prof Panadero is a leading researcher in the fields of psychology and educational assessment, focusing on the impact of assessment on self-regulated learning in particular, His work is widely cited, and he contributes to the editorial boards of six international journals in his field, as well as being an executive editor of Assessment in Education.