Professional Diploma in Special and Inclusive Education
Course Short Code
Course Year
Course Offering: 03



The purpose of this information sheet is to allow you view all modules connected to the Qualification, optional and core.

You should print this sheet out and then continue to the next step where your registration will take place.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you register correctly.



Please note there is no new intake for SIE for 2023


Students are eligible to request to graduate with a Certificate having successfully completed four modules (1 core + 3 optional modules). Alternatively, students who have successfully completed four certificate modules can opt to register for the SI711 Dissertation module in September in order to graduate at Diploma level.

Please note alternative modules for continuing, deferred, repeat students.

For example: if you are were previously registered for SI605 and are still to complete this module you must now register for SI420 see below for full listing.



Semester 1  
SI606 Understanding Autism
SI607 Dyslexia
SI608 Mild General Learning Disabilities
SI609 Understanding Behaviour as Communication
SI420 Inclusion and Special Educational Needs 
Year Long Module  
SI711 Dissertation


Old module                                                                           Alternative module

SI605 Inclusion for Pupils with SEN (5 credits)   SI420 Inclusion and Special Educational Needs (10 credits)          
SI606A Understanding Autism   SI606 Understanding Autism          
SI607A Dyslexia   SI607 Dyslexia          
SI608A Mild General Learning Disabilities   SI608 Mild General Learning Disabilities          
SI609A Understanding Behaviour as Communication   SI609 Understanding Behaviour as Communication          
SI606B Understanding Autism   SI606 Understanding Autism          
SI607B Dyslexia   SI607 Dyslexia          
SI608B Mild General Learning Disabilities   SI608 Mild General Learning Disabilities          
SI609B Understanding Behaviour as Communication   SI609 Understanding Behaviour as Communication          




Last reviewed: 23 Aug 2022