TEST R42 - Request to Exit Programme with an Alternative Award

Please complete the application below if you are one of the following:

A student who wants to request to exit from your current programme of study with an alternative award where this is available. 


A Micro Credential student who now has sufficient credits for an award


Please note that forms received will  be processed at the next Progression and Award Board.

Submission Deadlines


Semester One 2023/24:

Monday 27th November 2023

Semester Two 2023/24:

Monday 1st April 2024

August 2023/24:

Monday 8th July 2024

November 2023/24:

Monday 23rd September 2024

Please complete the fields below

What type of student are you
I am requesting to exit with an alternative award
I have completed a number of Microcredential modules and now wish to be considered for an award
Choose your Faculty
Institute of Education
DCU Business School
Engineering & Computing
Science & Health
Humanities & Social Science

(eg MSHI, MCOU)    MCM for Microcredential students


(eg MSc in Health and Social Inclusion)    MCM for Microcredential students


Alternative Award Request Details / Programme Transfer Request Details (Microcredential students only)
Master of Philosophy
MA in Psychotherapeutic Studies
Undergraduate Diploma
Graduate Diploma
Graduate Certificate
BA in Education Studies
BA in Religious Education
Diploma in Education Studies
Professional Certificate
Undergraduate Certificate
Other (Please select if your award is not listed or you are a Microcredential student)
Re-order Module Code Module Title Weight Operations
more items
Student Declaration

I hereby confirm that I wish to exit my current programme with the associated award as indicated above or transfer to a different programme (microcredential students only). I understand that my registration on the current programme will therefore be cancelled.

This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions..

Data Protection Notice: Personal information that you submit to Registry in connection with any service provision will be treated in accordance with the Registry Data Protection Notice, which can be viewed at the following website address: https://www.dcu.ie/registry/data-protection-notice.shtml

Dublin City University is not responsible and shall not be bound by errors in or omissions from this publication; the University reserves the right to revise, amend, alter or delete programmes of study and academic regulations at any time by giving such notice as may be determined by Academic Council in relation to any such change.