SMEC 2014: Thinking Assessment in Science & Mathematics

About SMEC

The SMEC conference series is a forum for those involved or interested in issues facing those in science and mathematics education at any educational level, from primary through to 4th level. Previous conferences have addressed issues such as:

  • STEM Teacher Education - Initial and Continuing professional development (SMEC 2016)
  • Thinking assessment in Science and Mathematics (SMEC 2014),
  • Facilitating "Teaching at the Heart of learning" (SMEC 2012),
  • Understanding "Inquiry-based learning" and facilitating authentic learning experiences in science and mathematics (SMEC 2010);
  • "Sciences Serving Science", exploring questions such as transfer of knowledge and skills between disciplines, breadth versus depth in science curricula and the implications of these issues in regard to teacher education (SMEC 2008);
  • Exploring the "Interconnections" between teaching and learning of mathematics and science at all education levels (SMEC 2006); and
  • Addressing the need for improving science, mathematics and technology education through high quality research and deployment in our education system to secure the foundations of Ireland’s knowledge-based economy (SMEC 2004).