HEIRNET 2017 Conference

The History Educators International Research Network [HEIRNET] brings together colleagues from around the world interested in History's civilising, cultural, educational, moral, social, political and citizenship roles. Our 14th annual conference meets from Wednesday August 30th to Friday 1st September in the Dublin City University [DCU] Institute of Education, St. Patrick’s Campus, Dublin, Ireland.
History Education In Challenging Times:
Meeting ‘The Other’ Across Time And Space
History education provides a critical space where children and young people can engage with the perspectives of others and encounter the many ways in which humans have made sense of the world over time and space. Having opportunities to deconstruct and interrogate received and dominant narratives, to recognise and challenge myths, to engage with world views different to one’s own and to develop the capacity to think historically are fundamental components of education for democratic citizenship.
Responding to the current multiple crises of climate change, global conflict, mass migration and rising nationalism, the HEIRNET 2017 conference theme, History Education in Challenging Times: Meeting ‘The Other’ across Time and Space, will explore how History Education can meet those challenges, providing space for research-based examinations of practice and of historical learning and for critical discourse on policy, curriculum and the politics of History Education. Given its recent history of conflict and the ongoing focus on multiple narratives, contested histories and reconciliation, Ireland provides an ideal location for addressing the conference theme.
The HEIRNET 2017 conference invites submissions across a wide range of themes and topics which you can find in the Conference Submissions section of the website.