Mental Health & Wellness

Your mental health, wellbeing and your overall wellness are really important and needs to be looked after. For example, managing stress, anxiety, low mood and finding out what triggers them can be difficult. To help assess where your wellbeing is and the best supports for you, please look at our range of Psychological Health & Wellbeing Resources.

Stress can be triggered by exams and assignment deadlines as well as non-university related events like a relationship breakdown, concern you could have an STI or be pregnant, financial concern, worrying about the future, etc. Signs that your mental health needs your attention include lack of motivation, not sleeping properly, not eating well, feeling overwhelmed, wanting to drink more or using drugs.

Services to Support your Mental Health and Wellbeing

Remember, we want to nurture care for each other too so if you have concerns about a fellow student, reach out and offer your support. Direct them to this page or contact us for support.


  1. Anxiety Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Self Help Programme
  2. Self Care Evidence Based Tips for Wellbeing and Mental Health
  3. Self Assessment Tools: What type of drinker am I? (HSE)  | Drug Use (HSE Social Inclusion Office)