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DCU Business School - Barbara Flood

DCU Business School

Barbara Flood

Barbara FloodName: Dr Barbara Flood
Phone Number: 5684
Room Number: Q146
Email Address:
Personal Homepage

Academic and Professional Qualifications: B.A., M.Acc., Ph.D., F.C.A.
Biography: Barbara Flood is a Senior Lecturer in Accounting at Dublin City University. She completed a B.A. in Accounting and Finance at DCU and a Master of Accounting (M.Acc.) at UCD, She qualified as a Chartered Accountant with ICAI in 1995, having completed her training with KPMG. Her principal research explores student learning in higher education and in the professional accounting context and she completed her Ph.D. in 2003 at Loughborough University.
Barbara has published in many peer-reviewed journals and is currently an Associate Editor for 'Accounting Education: An International Journal'. She teaches a range of management accounting courses at DCU and is currently Head of the Accounting Group.
Teaching Areas:
  • Introductory Management Accounting
  • Advanced Management Accounting
  • Accounting in Organisations
Research Interests:

Accounting education within higher education and the profession

View Full Research Profile for Barbara Flood

Selected Publications: Byrne, M., Flood, B. and Willis, P. 2009. An inter-institutional exploration of the learning approaches of students studying ccounting. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 20, 2, pp155-167.

Flood, B. and Wilson, R.M.S. 2009. Conceptions of learning of prospective professional accountants in Ireland: An exploratory study. Irish Accounting Review, 16, 1, pp21-38.

Byrne, M. and Flood, B. 2008. Examining the relationships among background variables and academic performance of first year accounting students at an Irish university. Journal Of Accounting Education, 26, 4, pp202-212.

Flood. B. and Wilson. R.M.S (2008) An exploration of the learning approaches of prospective professional accountants in Ireland. Accounting Forum, 32(3), pp225-239.

Byrne, M. and Flood, B. (2007) Exploring the antecedents of learning approaches: a study of international business students. The International Journal Of Management Education, 6(2), pp44-62.