Freire: 50th Anniversary Celebration of Pedagogy of the Oppressed
On Nov 7th the School of Human Development hosted a day of Freirean reflection and dialogue at the IoE.
Prof Emeritus Joe Dunne was the opening speaker and catalyst for a day of celebration, dialogue and Freirean reflection. Prof Dunne's talk was utterly engaging, stimulating and acted as a catalyst for the gathering of almost 70 people from within the IoE, the wider DCU community and academics, teachers and activists from all over Ireland.
The talk was deep and challenging and posed some fundamental questions on the nature of education, pedagogy and hope in today's complex context. It challenged us as educators to continue to hope and to carefully reflect so as to understand the nature of oppression today, and to consider the human and educational possibilities for transformation relative to the particular challenges of our time.
Thank you to the participants from far and wide, the committee: Andrew O Shea, Cora O Farrell, David Gibson, Paul King and Maeve OBrien, and to other key participants: Anne Looney, Dean of the IoE, Ashling Bourke (IoE), Rory McDaid(MIE), Therese Hegarty (MU) and Prof Mathias Urban (IoE) and Audrey Bryan (IoE) and Paul Murphy.