Teaching And Learning - Course Builder | Information Systems & Services
Course Builder
Coursebuilder is a development tool for teaching and learning, designed to assist staff with the writing of module descriptors in terms of learning outcomes in the short term and to facilitate on-going academic development in the future. The Coursebuilder system is hosted by ISS on behalf of the OVPLI. Should you have any queries in relation to the overall running and structure of Course Builder please refer to the OVPLI
Course Builder Login
You may login to the system with your standard DCU network username and password. Please contact ISS if you need to have your network password reset.
Moodle/Anon Marking
Faculty office will assign module coordinators and teaching staff. This in turn will populate Anon marking and links to Moodle. If you are unable to access your anon marking or moodle please check with you Faculty office that you have been correctly assigned.
User Guide
A user guide can be downloaded by staff once they've logged into Course Builder.
Technical Support
Please contact ISS if you experience any technical issues such as:
- Unable to load the Coursebuilder login page
- Unable to login to the system with your standard DCU network username and password
- No access to modules in Anonymous Marking
- Database errors after login to the system