Communications with Student's Parents and/or Guardians policy
This policy outlines how staff will communicate with parents and / or guardians of students registered with the Disability & Learning Support Service (DLSS).
This policy applies to all students registered with the DLSS and their parents and / or guardians.
The DLSS welcomes initial contact from parents and / or guardians of students interested in studying in DCU, especially when negotiating the CAO Supplementary Admissions Route.
Once the Semester begins, and your son / daughter has registered with the DLSS we are unable to disclose student information to you without the permission of your son/daughter.
Information about individual conditions or support provision will not be disclosed to, or discussed with, any individual outside the University, including a parent or guardian, without the consent of the student.
A Student will need to give their consent to the DLSS in writing in order for us to communicate with a parent and / or guardian.
The DLSS is also duty bound by Dublin City University’s Contact with Third Parties Policy.
Any queries in relation to this policy should be made to the following unit.
Disability & Learning Support Service
Room CG28
Henry Grattan Building
Email: disability.service@dcu.ie
Telephone: (01) 700 5927
This policy will be reviewed by the Head of the Disability & Learning Support Service every three years, or as when required.
Document Name |
DLSS Policy on Communications with Students Parents and/or Guardians |
Unit Owner |
Disability & Learning Support Service |
Version Reference |
Version 3.0 |
Approved by |
Head of DLSS |
Effective Date |
December 10th 2020 |