Elections to Dial Eireann - Staff Policy
To set out the University’s policy regarding Leave of Absence following a staff member’s election to Dail Eireann.
The University, while recognising that it is in the public interest that members of staff should feel able to seek election to the Dail, must at the same time ensure that the needs of the University continue to be met. To provide a formal basis upon which individuals may obtain leave of absence to undertake representative office, the University has approved the following regulations.
Permanent staff members elected to Dail Eireann will where possible be given unpaid leave of absence on the basis that salary and allowances (if applicable) will cease to be payable by the University from the date on which the elected member becomes eligible for remuneration as a T.D. Due account will be taken of leave entitlement and the extent of unavoidable continuing academic or other commitments during the current academic year.
a) First Dail Term
Staff members granted leave of absence to take up representative office in the Dail retain the right to obtain re-engagement to the full normal conditions of appointments, if, after first being elected.
i) they wish to resume normal working following resignation from their seat; or
ii) the Dail to which they were elected has been dissolved.
b) Subsequent Dail Term
Where approved, leave of absence shall not exceed a period comprising one term of office of the Dail, terminating on the day before the first sitting of the subsequent Dail. If the staff member concerned secures re-election, he/she will then have to decide either to continue his/her political career or resume full-time working at the University.
The above regulations relate solely to permanent staff members elected to Dail Eireann. Election or appointment to the Senate will be treated through the normal procedure under the Exclusivity of Service section of the Terms and Conditions of Employment of full-time staff of the University. The University will consider in a positive manner applications to take up a seat in the Senate on the following basis:
a) Staff members will be expected to undertake their full workload:
b) No replacement arrangements will be required;
c) No extra cost to the University.
Where such leave is approved by the University, the University staff member will be paid his/her normal salary.
Document Name | Elections to Dail Eireann - Staff Policy |
Unit Owner | Human Resources |
Version Reference | Version 1.0 |
Approved by | Executive |
Effective Date | May 4th 2010 |