Schedule | SMEC 2014

SMEC 2014

The SMEC 2014|SAILS conference was organised by the Centre for the Advancement of STEM Teaching and Learning (CASTeL) in partnership with the Strategies for Assessment of Inquiry Learning in Science (SAILS) project. This conference was hosted at Dublin City University, Ireland on 24th and 25th June 2014 with the theme Thinking Assessment in Science and Mathematics. The plenary speakers at this conference were Wynne Harlen, University of Bristol, UK; Benő Csapó, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary; Malcolm Swan, University of Nottingham, UK; Cecília Galvão, Institute of Education, University of Lisbon, Portugal and Paul Black and Chris Harrison, King’s College London, UK.

SMEC2014 was the sixth in the series of biennial international Science and Mathematics Education Conferences hosted by CASTeL at Dublin City University and St. Patrick’s College Drumcondra The purpose of this conference series is to provide an international platform for teachers and educators to discuss practices and share their experiences in the teaching and learning of STEM at and across all educational levels. Url:

The SAILS project supports teachers in adopting inquiry based science education (IBSE) in second level classrooms across Europe. The SAILS project is focussed on developing appropriate strategies and frameworks for the assessment of inquiry skills and competences to prepare teachers not only to be able to teach through inquiry, but also to be confident and competent in the assessment of their students’ learning. The SAILS consortium are providing teacher education programmes in inquiry and assessment across the twelve participating countries and encourage teachers to share their experiences and classroom practice of inquiry approaches to teaching, learning and assessment.

SMEC 2014 Proceedings

The SMEC 2014 proceedings are available to download here  (5MB).


SMEC 2014 Conference Programme

SMEC 2014 & SAILS Conference Programme a glance

The full programme can be found here together with details of each programme sections.