women's day

Participation in a project for International Women's Day

March 8th marks International Women's Day, celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. This year's celebration theme is  "Breaking the Bias". 

We want to celebrate the progress we have witnessed over the decades and especially highlight the changes over the past years. We cannot do this without your participation, which is why I am enlisting your help. 

We would like to create a video highlighting changes and invite stories and recollections about your past, which illustrate how you feel women's rights or gender stereotypes have evolved over these past years. It could be something as simple as "I was expected to conform to a certain dress code - no slacks in work" or "I had to leave the workplace when I got married" or a more detailed comment. There are so many possibilities to perhaps share an achievement or something that would never happen today to your younger self. 

The project will involve writing a short paragraph on your experience and sending it to Juliette with a photo. Juliette will be in touch to meet and make a short video of your comment. Please also fill out this form if you wish to contribute https://forms.gle/jhcWRFtaJZ6htMnr5. The deadline is the 23rd of February. 

This opportunity is open to everyone, not only women, so calling on all AFU participants to get involved.

If you are interested in this project please write to juliette.kinsey@dcu.ie who has just joined the Age-Friendly team.