John Murray

Hi, I’m John Murray and I chair the BA in Theology and Religious Studies here at DCU.
I feel very privileged to do what I do. In my own career, I’ve enjoyed working as a secondary school teacher where I taught Religion and English and now I very much enjoy lecturing on the BATRS and other DCU programmes at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
You can expect to see me for modules relating to moral theology (Christian ethics), spirituality, and faith and divine revelation, and we’ll enjoy good debates on a variety of issues. You could choose this course to progress your own research in religion.
For my own research, the areas that interest me include how we are to understand ethics/morality, and especially how faith and reason can work together in this regard; how we are to apply moral principles and virtues to specific issues such as marriage and sexual ethics, justice and peace issues, the ethics of killing, the ethics of lying; and how theology and religious education may be related. I particularly like the work of St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Pope John Paul II, Germain Grisez and John Finnis.