Primary Department
School of Theology, Philosophy, and Music
Work Area/Key Responsibilities
Theology and Philosophy

Phone number:
The nature and value of faith-based education/schooling, with reference to liberal values such as freedom of religion, as well reference to the place of parents in education, as well as the wider context of the relationship between Christian faith and human reason.
01 700
Email Address
Room Number
AHC S104
Academic biography
John Murray graduated from Mater Dei Institute in 1985 and taught Religion and English in two secondary schools: Presentation College, Carlow [1985-6] and St. David's Holy Faith Secondary School, Greystones [1986-2002]. He did a Masters degree in Mater Dei [1998-2001] and began lecturing in Mater Dei Institute in 2002. His main teaching is in the area of moral theology (Christian Ethics), but he also supervises Teaching Practice, conduct Religious Studies tutorials, moderates theses, and so on. Dr Murray finished his doctoral degree in theology [St. Patrick's College, Maynooth] in 2009. His doctorate is entitled: The Role of Religion as a Basic Human Good in the Moral Theory of Germain Grisez.Research interests
The fundamental moral theology of Germain Grisez and his collaborators [esp. John Finnis, Joseph Boyle, and Robert P. George]. New natural law. # Fundamental Moral Theory in general [especially the issue of moral truth]. # Moral theories. # Catholic Sexual Ethics and its relationship to sexual ethics more generally.The nature and value of faith-based education/schooling, with reference to liberal values such as freedom of religion, as well reference to the place of parents in education, as well as the wider context of the relationship between Christian faith and human reason.