Global Webinar: Education Research in a Covid and Post-Covid World
The Covid-19 pandemic has been transformative in many aspects of society but perhaps it is more accurate to say that it is been revolutionary in education. It has become a truism to say that we are living through the greatest educational experiment in history and as with all experiments, researchers are anxious to understand the mechanisms and make sense of the results.
In order to help educational researchers in this endeavour, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the American Educational Research Association (AERA) have organised an online conversation between the Presidents of three of the largest educational research organisation in the world – the European Educational Research Association (EERA), the European Association for Research Learning and Instruction (EARLI) and the Japanese Educational (JERA).
Prof Joe O’Hara, President of the European Educational Research Association and Professor of Education at DCU’s School of Policy and Practice will be taking part alongside Hidenori Fujita, Past President, Japanese Educational Research Association (Tsuru University), Shaun R. Harper, AERA President (University of Southern California), Debra Myhill, President, European Educational Research Association (University of Exeter), and Andreas Schleicher, OECD Director for Education and Skills.
The webinar will examine priorities and planning for education research at a time when education and learning face uncertainty and dislocation. It is intended that the participants will share insights on how education research is currently contributing to the response to COVID-19 for all levels of education and forms of learning. It will also discuss what is needed to further understand and monitor related challenges, and will offer evidence-based policies to help education leaders, government officials, schools, and education systems make sound decisions.
Key topics will include:
- Challenges and opportunities posed by the transition to online learning
- Assessment - and in particular end of school assessment – in a time of COVID
- Student wellbeing – isolation, engagement and community
- Teaching in a time of Covid – teacher workload and wellbeing, curriculum transformation and adaptation
- Educational leadership in a time of Covid
- How the current pandemic interacts with broader social and economic changes – particularly the challenges of climate change, migration and diversity
- Funding research – and educational research – in a transformed world
- How educational research can influence educational policy
For further information or to register for the webinar, visit