Work Orders | Estates Office
Control of General Work Orders and Permit to Work
1. Purpose
2. Scope
3. References
4. Definitions
5. Responsibilities
6. Procedures
6.1 Points of contact
6.2 Issuing GWO and PTW
7. Measurement
8. Records
The purpose of this procedure is to define the sequence of events, interfaces and responsibilities when working at DCU with general work orders (GWO) and permit to work (PTW).SCOPE
From: The request for the permit.
To: The issuing, monitoring, updating and closure of GWO and PTW.REFERENCES
The following are some but not all of the hazards to be taken into account when signing the Permit to work.
- Control of Hazardous Energy
- Confined Spaces
- Hot Work, (Cutting, Burning, Welding etc.)
- Pipeline Breaking
- Safety in Evacuations
- Spaces Entry
- Working at heights (Hoists, Ladders, Scaffolding etc.)
- Authorised Person (AP): A DCU member of staff authorised to issue GWO and PTW.
- Confined Space: Work that is carried out in an enclosed / restricted working area. This includes but is not limited to water tanks, sewers, drains, and fuel tanks.
- Excavation: Work that requires digging, this includes but is not limited to roads, pavements and grass verges.
- Hot Work: Work that requires the application of open flames this includes but is not limited to Brazing, Cutting, Grinding, Soldering, Thawing Pipe, and Torch Applied Roofing and Welding.
- Pipeline Breaking: Work that requires a pipeline to be broken for extension or maintenance purposes this includes but is not limited to water pipes, gas pipes, and compressed air pipes.
- Lock out Tag out (LOTO): A series of safety measures adopted to ensure that access to hazards that have the potential to cause harm to personnel / damage to equipment is isolated and access to the switch(s) are locked and tagged out.
The Estates Office Staff are the only people authorised to make amendments to this document.
The GWO and PTW will cover all contractors engaged by D.C.U. in tasks, such as:
- Confined Spaces, Excavations, Pipeline Breaking.
- Emergency Call-Outs.
- Hot Work & Control of Hazardous Energy.
- Routine Maintenance.
- Scheduled and Unscheduled Preventive Maintenance.
- Other works as defined by the Estates Office.
Buildings Co-ordinator Liam O'Reilly 01-700 5337
Mech. & Elec. Supervisor Michael Woods 01-700 5039
Estates Office Staff 01-700 5142 (Helpdesk)
Security Office Staff 01-700 5999 (24 hours and all EMERGENCIES)6.2 ISSUING GWO AND PTW
Before a contractor engaged by D.C.U. is permitted to commence work the following documentation should be filed at the Estates Office.
- Copies of the contractors Health and Safety Statements.
- Contractors Liability Insurance Certificates.
- Chemical Authorisation Sheets. (If applicable).
- Hazardous Material Safety Data Sheets. ((If applicable).
- Lifting Equipment Certificates. (If applicable).
- Waste Disposal procedures. (If applicable).
- Other:
- On arrival at DCU the contractor must sign-in the Contractors Logbook at Security before work is started.
- At the end of the visit / day the GWO / PTW to be returned to Security where the contractor must sign-out.
- Any keys required by the contractor must be signed-out and returned at the end of each day. Under no circumstances are keys to leave the DCU campus.
- A PTW must cover new works and all other tasks not on a GWO. The permit will be issued when the contractor and the AP finalise details of the work to be carried out. The permit to work is available from the Estates Office. All the relevant information to be completed in CAPITOL letters. A signature and date from the person undertaking the work is mandatory. The Access Database will generate a work order number and all associated documents must reference this number. The PTW must be returned with the contractor advice note when all work is completed. The AP will close the permit and authorise further processing to the finance department.
- For work that is scheduled for weekends or public holidays the permit to work shall be submitted 24 hours prior to the weekend, "public holiday" commencing and Security to be notified by the AP.
- Periodic monitoring of open permit to works with emphasis on tasks that present the highest risks.
- Periodic audits to completed documentation and certificates submitted by the contractor.
- Every Thursday (PM) the GWO to be faxed / e-mailed to the contractor.
- The contractor must update and return the completed GWO no later than the DUE DATE or by LATEST the following Wednesday (AM)
- The GWO to prioritise the schedule by due date unless otherwise stated.
- Emergency items to be phoned on the number supplied to the Estates Office by the contractor.