DCU Estates header
Estates Office

Services, Facilities & Space Management

We have outlined our services and facilities on each of our three academic campuses below

General Services 

Our general services are outlined below: 


Administrative Services

If you have a general office management issue or require information about the Estates Office please email helpdesk.estates@dcu.ie


Campus Grounds Services

If you have a query about our grounds maintenance service, please contact the helpdesk at helpdesk.estates@dcu.ie or submit this form to the Estates Helpdesk 


Cleaning, Waste Management and Recycling Services

If you require cleaning, waste management or recycling services, please contact helpdesk.estates@dcu.ie or submit this form to the Estates Helpdesk


Facilities and Planning Services 

This service covers building works, refurbishment, office and space requirements, persistent issues within buildings and any new works. 

If you have any issues that relate to those listed, please email helpdesk.estates@dcu.ie

All space on our campuses are owned by the University, and this is administered by the Office of the COO through the Estates Office. For more information about space management and allocation DCU campuses, please read our policy here. 

If your unit and/or department are seeking an allocation of space on our campuses, please fill out this webform here 


Security Services

Emergency Information

If you require campus security services urgently, please contact 01 700 5999. The control room for Glasnevin Campus is located beside the exit ramp in the multi-storey car park. The control room for St Patrick’s Campus is located in the Gate Lodge building beside the vehicular entrance to the college. The control room for All Hallows Campus is located in Purcell House on the ground floor. All control rooms are open 24 hours a day.

Security Services 

Security is in operation 24/7, 365 days a year



Safezone is a free app that allows DCU staff and students to summon security or safety assistance via mobile devices, desktops and laptops, providing round-the-clock safety assurance. 

You can find out more information about how to download the app and register here.