Click here for contact details for the Fees Office
Your SUSI payment is not applied to your account until after your application has been approved by SUSI. This will mean the balance on your account will not reflect any SUSI payment until the application is fully approved by SUSI.
Please also note there may be a delay between your application being approved by SUSI and it being applied to your account.
SUSI can choose to reassess your application and the amount you are awarded may be adjusted/refused due to this reassessment, this decision is made by SUSI not by DCU, if your application is reassessed you may need to pay the balance on your account or be due a refund.
Students who apply for a SUSI grant/employer funding and are later refused are held fully liable for their relevant fee.
If you qualify for HEA Free Fees this will not be reflected in your balance until you have completed your registration in full. If your fees are not reflecting correctly, please ensure you have clicked Pay Now and Complete Enrolment.
If you are applying for SUSI please see “I have applied to SUSI but this isn’t reflected in my fee balance?” section above.
If your fees are still not appearing correctly please check FAQs for an answer or contact our fees team directly.
DCU will process the Budget reduction of €1000 to student’s accounts. Only students who are eligible for the HEA "Free Fees" Scheme are eligible for this budget reduction.
Where the student contribution is paid by SUSI, the SUSI contribution will be reduced by €1,000.
Where students have not paid the student contribution in full, the outstanding fee liability will be reduced by €1,000.
Students who have paid the student contribution in full at the time the reduction is applied will be refunded any amount due.
Where students have enrolled in a payment plan the payment plan will be updated accordingly when the reduction is applied to the fee account.
We will aim to have the refund processed within 6 weeks from the 1st of November 2024. In a situation where additional information is required from the student by DCU refunds make take additional time outside of proposed 6 week window above.
Any students who did not pay their fees online through our payment processing system during registrations will be required to upload their bank details. This can be done by going to DCU Key, clicking the option “My Profile” (Student Sign in Credentials will be required), then clicking the option “Your Bank Account Details”. Please ensure all bank details are correct before saving them to avoid delay in refunds being processed. Please note the bank account details you provide must be for an Irish bank account.
EU status students can pay in two instalments:
Instalment 1 – 60% is due when registering online
Instalment 2 - 40% is due by 31th January 2025
Non EU students must pay their full fee within four weeks of acceptance of place
The student contribution charge is €3,000 together with Student Centre Levy of €43, which may be paid in two instalments covering examinations, registration and student services.
The student centre levy is €43. This fee is not covered by any grant and must be paid by all undergraduate students.
Please click here for more information on free fees
DCU do not send out reminders for payment of fees via post.
Students register online and will be advised at that point how much their fees are and how much they should pay.
You will be prompted to pay your fees after you have completed your registration and click "Pay Now and Complete Enrolment" button. Please these video instructions if you require assistance.
Fee reminders are sent via your DCU email account ONLY.
Please click here for further information
No - DCU’s contract is with the student, thus we cannot invoice a third party.
Your fees must be paid during the registration process and claimed back directly from your employer.
Yes. If you are an undergraduate student you must pay the student levy of €43 which is not covered by the grant.
All Postgraduate students are liable to pay the student levy of €277 - this rule also applies to students awarded 100% SUSI Grant as this student levy is not covered by the grant.
If you are a postgraduate student, you must pay 60% of balance of fees on anything above €3,500
Students are urged to apply early as late approvals will need to be paid by the students by the end of February at the latest if approval of the grant has not come through.
This will be refunded to the student once the grant is paid by SUSI.
Students maintenance grants awarded by SUSI will be paid on a monthly basis by (EFT) into their own bank account.
Continued payment will be contingent on verification of your attendance on the course to the University at regular intervals throughout the year.
Tuition fees/student contribution will be paid directly to DCU on your behalf.
Please retain your online payment receipt in a safe place as it is a valuable document and may be required by you to claim Tax Relief on Tuition fees.
Tax Relief may be claimed only where students pay tuition fees.
The new Student Contribution will be allowable for tax relief only where families with two or more children are liable for the Student Contribution charge.
Please refer to www.revenue.ie for all tax related queries. Duplicate receipts can be re-printed via your student app- my details-student fee menu-tax revenue certificate.
No. Free Fees or grants are available for repeat years except under exceptional Medical Circumstances. Please check Medical Grounds Section on the fees protocol webpage here for more information.
Full fee payment is due.
For fee information please Click here.
If you are entitled to the free fees remission scheme and you repeat a year, you will have to pay fees for the year that you repeat. Once you have passed that year, you revert back to the free fee remission scheme.
Repeat fees are charged at €55 per credit in addition to the full time levy of €277 for all full time programmes and €170 for all part time programmes.
An example would be a 5 credit module (5 credits @ €55 per credit = €275 plus €277 levy = €552
An example of 7.5 credit module (7.5 credits @ €55 per credit = €412.50 plus €277 levy - €689.50
If you are repeating because you had to defer during the year or were unable to sit the exam on medical grounds, you should contact celine.geraghty@dcu.ie
Depending on your medical circumstances, you may qualify for a medical repeat. Click Here
It is important to note that once you have registered, fees are due so please sign a Withdrawal Form and submit this to Registry immediately.
For more information regarding Withdrawals please check the withdrawals section of the fee protocol here.
You can access this form here
You should also check to see how a withdrawal might affect you financially if you choose to return to University at a later date. See Student Fee Protocol
You may also wish to speak to a Student Adviser if you are having difficulties please use the following link: http://www.dcu.ie/students/advice/contact.shtml
You will need to get your previous college to complete a 'Student Fee Declaration Form' which can be printed from here
Please return to the Student Fee Office or email fee.declaration@dcu.ie when fully completed.
Tax relief applies to full time and part time undergraduate/postgraduate students who are paying tuition fees.
For details of eligibility and amounts please see the information provided by Revenue here.
Families with two or more children liable for the new student contribution will qualify for tax relief on payments arising from second and subsequent sibling liability.
Student fee duplicate receipts can be printed online via the student portal page by entering the academic year required. For example, for the academic year 2024/25 the year 2025 must be entered.
Please see Revenue Information Leaflet IT31 http://www.revenue.ie/revsearch/search.jsp