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Higher Education Research Centre

Selected keynotes and presentations



‘Academic publishing in the field of higher education’. Invited contribution. 33rd CHER (Consortium for Higher Education Researchers) Annual Conference. Promoting Closer Relations and Scholarly Dialogues Between European and Asian Higher Education Researchers. 1-3 September (Virtual).



‘Lifelong Learning Challenges 2020 and Beyond’. Keynote address, Asia-Europe Lifelong Learning Hub. Launch of ASEM Lifelong Learning Ireland 2020-2025. University College Cork. 13-15 October (Virtual).


‘Educating Scholars: doctoral studies around the world’. Invited keynote. The Profession of Scholar: Advancing Research, Building New Vision, Developing the Future. Florence University. 2-3 November (Virtual).



‘Reviewing Qualification Framework Referencing Reports: Process and Methodology’. Invited address 7th ASEAN Qualifications Framework Conference, Yogyakarta, Indonesia (DAAD, British Council, ENQA and Nuffic) Association of SE Asia Nations. 28-30 October.


‘Digitalization- A Doubled Edged Sword?’  Invited address. 16th Higher Education Reform Conference, Centre for Advanced Studies, Mexico City. 11-13 September.


‘The Adult Learner- 50 years of AONTAS’. National Association of Adult Education. 50th Anniversary and Adult Learner Journal. Council Chambers, Cork Learning City. 18th June.



‘Lifelong learning and higher education: facing the challenges facing societies?’. Invited keynote Annual Conference of HELLIN (Higher Education Lifelong Learning Network Ireland) Transitions: Lifelong Learning and Higher Education, Maynooth University, 7th December.


‘Supporting early and mid-career women in higher education- some international experiences’. Invited address, Nagoya Women’s Research Centre, Nagoya University, 2nd November.


‘Professional development and training for academic leadership: between managerialism and collegiality’. Invited address, 92nd Centre for Studies if Higher Education, Visiting Professor Seminar Series, Nagoya University, 28th October.


‘Universities and Social Engagement in Europe: Exploring the Creative Potential of Liminal Spaces’. Invited keynote address 15th International Conference on Higher Education Reform: Reinventing the Public Mission of Higher Education: Policies and Practice. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, 24-26th September.


'Demographic changes and longer working lives: implications for lifelong learning' (with Tanya Zubrzycki). Paper presentation. AFU Conference Engaging Ageing 2018: New Frontiers of Ageing: Research, Policy and Practice. Croke Park, Dublin, Ireland: 13-15 March.


'Lifelong education centre stage: new forms of professional development for new forms of lifelong learning'. Invited keynote address. Asia-Europe Lifelong Learning Hub, International Conference: Lifelong Learning Policies & Adult Education Professionals Contextual and Cross-Contextual Comparisons between Europe and Asia. Julius-Maximilian University, Würzburg/Bavaria, Germany: February 16-17.


‘Universities and social engagement: new visions for the ‘third mission’’'. Invited keynote address to the XV European Conference on Social and Behavioural Sciences. International Association of Social Science Research, Adnan Menderes University. Kusadasi, Turkey: 1-3rd February.



'Comparative and international research in adult education: evolution of concepts and methods'. Keynote address. International Conference ‘Adult education research in the Italian academic community’. University of Florence, Department of Sciences of Education and Psychology: Siped, Società Italiana di Pedagogia (the Italian Society of Pedagogy), Italy: 23-24 November.


'UNIBILITY Guidelines for universities to engage in social responsibility' (With Dr M. Wallace). Invited keynote address.  University Meets Social Responsibility Meeting, University of Barcelona, Spain: 22 September.


‘Social engagement and lifelong learning- reconceptualising the ‘third mission’ in higher education’. Invited keynote address at the XIV International Symposium of University Professors. Pontifical University of Rome, Italy: 22-24 June.


'Population Ageing – Key implications for the workforce in Ireland', invited speaker (with Tanya Zubrzycki). ISAX Member Meeting, Dublin, Ireland: 24 May.


'Sustainable Development Goals: a potential stimulus to revisiting core values in higher education and lifelong learning?' Invited keynote address, 13th Lifelong Learning Conference of MELLearN (Hungarian Universities Lifelong Learning Network). Budapest, Hungary: 20-21 April.


'European and International Policies on Higher Education: conflicting priorities – a ‘Faustian Pact’?' Invited speaker.  International conference ‘Employability & Competences: Innovative Curricula for New Professions’.  University of Florence, Italy: 9-11 March.



'Towards a European Dimension in Research, Practice and Development – Outcomes of ESRALE: Exploitation – Next Steps' (with Tanya Zubrzycki), European Professionals in Adult Education, Bonn, Germany: 17 November.


Academic Chair, host and presenter 13th Higher Education Reform Workshop, Wider access, changing national demographics and international migration: implications for higher education reform and policy. Dublin City University: 7-9 September.


‘Opportunities and limitations of the RPL ‘vision’-perspectives on recent developments in Europe and Indonesia’ Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) LLL Hub International Symposium 'Supporting Adult Education for a Sustainable Life Course: Asian and European perspectives on Education, Work and Citizenship', Glasgow University: 6-8 June.


Academic Chair, host and presenter Crossing Borders through Lifelong Learning: Enhancing quality and equity in higher education, 48th European Universities Continuing Education Network (EUCEN) Conference, Dublin City Unversity: 1-3 June.


‘Adult learning and austerity: experiences from Ireland’ invited speaker, Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Seminar Series Higher Vocational Education and Pedagogy (HIVE-PED) Adult Learning in a time of austerity: University of Wolverhampton: 12 February.


'Rethinking equality challenges: higher education in the broader educational landscape' invited speaker. European Conference on Social and Behavioural Sciences. Paris, France: 3-6 February.



‘International developments in Assessment of Prior Learning’: Analytic Capacity Development Programme, Indonesian Ministry of Higher Education EU Aid and Australia Aid Project: invited lecture series relating toNational Frameworks of Qualifications and lifelong learning to senior level policy and research groups including: Java (Jakarta and Bandung); Bali (Denpassar); Sulawesi (Manado).


‘Rethinking equality challenges: higher education in the broader educational landscape’. Invited keynote, European Conference on Social and Behavioural Sciences. Paris: 3-6 February.



'Research and scholarship in higher education and lifelong learning' invited speaker.  University College Cork, Ireland: 1-2 December.


'Inequality in contemporary European higher education – a focus on intergenerational issues with particular reference to Ireland' invited speaker. Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, Institut fur Erziehungswissenschaften, Abteilung Hochschulforschung, Germany: November.


'Patterns of interaction by higher education with students over their lifecourse' (with Professor Michael Osborne and Professor Andrae Wolter).  11th Higher Education Reform Conference ‘Higher Education and its Principal Mission: Preparing Students for Life, Work and Civic Engagement’. Memorial University, St John’s Newfound Land, Canada: 25-28 August.


'The Role of Higher Education in Addressing Intergenerational Issues: The Age Friendly University' invited speaker. Natuional University of Ireland Galway (NUIG), Lifecourse Research Centre, Ireland: July.


'Beyond the “effortless acquisition of superficial information” (Woodrow, 1999) – equity of access to higher learning for adults' invited speaker, European Access Network Annual Conference ‘Hidden Potential or Hollow Promise? Can Technologies Deliver Wider Access and Success in Higher Education?’ – Maggie Woodrow Memorial Lecture. Edinburgh, Scotland: June.


'Teaching in contemporary higher education – perspectives on professional development in Ireland' invited speaker, Enhancement Theme Conference, Quality Assurance Agency for HE in Scotland. Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland: 27 February.



‘Target groups of lifelong learners at universities and other higher education institutions: an international prospective’ invited keynote address, German Federal Ministry of Education Ausftieg durch Bildung: offene Hochfchulen Berlin, 6-7 December. 


‘Collaboration and Innovation in universities and other institutions of higher education: A partnership approach to opening higher education to adults’ invited symposium Internationale Ringvorlefung University of Marburg, 3 December. 


‘Review of progress on opening higher education to adults’ invited contribution symposium Opening Higher Education to Adults, Leibniz Research Centre for Lifelong Learning, DIE, (German Institute of Adult Education) Bonn, 30 November. 


‘Education and the Economy – contemporary education policy’ panel contribution Investment in Education: Fifty Years On School of Education TCD and the Economic Social Research Institute, Trinity College Dublin, 28 November.


‘From lifelong learning to longlife learning’ invited international address, When are you old? Gothenburg, 1 October.


‘A sociological and equity perspective on the (re)newed focus on neuroscience in educational policy’ invited contribution NordForsk (Nordic Research Councils) Symposium, ESOF (European Science Open Forum)Neuroscience and Educational Policy Dublin Convention Centre, Dublin 11-15 July. 


‘Learning in Later Life’ invited paper, Annual Conference Network4Society FP7 National Contact Points Ageing Well in Europe, Dublin Castle, 9-10 July. 


‘Higher education and social innovation: partnership approaches to lifelong learning and civic engagement’ invited address, European Universities Association (EUA) Annual Conference The Sustainability of European Universities Conference University of Warwick, 22-23 March 2012.


’Funding and policy developments in higher education in Ireland’ invited address, UALL Annual ConferenceHigher Education for the Public Good, Clare College, University of Cambridge,18-20 March.


‘Institutional Alliances:  Passing Policy Fad or New Organizational Model?' invited keynote address sponsored by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, ‘Policy formation in turbulent times’ hosted by York University
15-17 March. 



‘Opening Higher Education to Adults: Opportunities and Threats’, invited address international symposium, German Institute for Adult Education, Leibniz Centre for Lifelong Learning, Bonn, Germany. December. 


‘Higher education and lifelong learners’ invited plenary symposium, 8th International Workshop on Higher Education Reforms, Humboldt University, Berlin, October. 


‘Lifelong learners in higher education: international trends’ invited keynote address at Universities and Lifelong Learning, University of Western Cape, South Africa, 1-2 September.


‘Practicing what they preach? Academics’ views on professional development in teaching and learning’ with E. Kozina, Annual Conference All Ireland Society for Higher Education, Dublin City University, August.


‘Challenging times; contemporary developments in lifelong learning in Ireland’ invited presentation DIE (German Institute of Adult Education) Bonn, 5 July.



‘New knowledge production in higher education: comparative exploration of knowledge partnering approaches’ (with J.Allison) Annual Conference, Consortium of Higher Education Researchers, University of Oslo, 10-12 June.


‘(Re)invention of tradition: adult education in contemporary higher education’ invited presentation, Centre for Research and Development in Higher Education (CRADALL), Glasgow University 6 June.


‘Strengthening the provision of university level continuing education’ invited keynote, European Universities Association/SIRUS Seminar, University of Lille, 3-4 June.


‘New public management meets old political systems: the case of higher education in Ireland’ Stanford University, Higher Education Research Seminar, 6 February. 



‘Universities and civic engagement- social purpose (re)visited for the 21st century?’ University of Melbourne, Centre for Study of Higher Education Seminar Series, 20 April.



‘Higher education and lifelong learning in Ireland- issues of access’Canadian Society for Study of Higher Education, University of British Columbia, 1-3 June.


‘Internationalisation of higher education: issues of access and equity’ Fifth International Workshop on Higher Education reform, East China Normal University, Shanghai, 4-6 November.