DCU Arts Bursary Awards

DCU Student Arts Bursary Awards

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences extends congratulations to this year's recipients of the DCU Arts Bursary Awards which is run by the DCU Office of Student Life and DCU Educational Trust. The initiative was established in 2009 and offers a limited number of Arts Bursaries to full-time students involved in the Arts. A total of eight bursaries were awarded including three awards made to students from the School of Communications.

Sinead Mooney

Third year Communications Studies student Sinead, is a poet and she wants to use her bursary to publish her first zine. She is keen to develop her artistic talent and was particularly inspired to write a series of connected poems documenting her experiences of each month in 2021. Sinead will be publishing a selection of her poems titled 'Hindsight is 2021' which will include a bonus exclusive poem in the zine as well as photographic elements.

Jim Xi Johnson

Fellow third year Communications Studies student Jim, is a photographer who wants to improve his skills especially using Photoshop and Lightroom. Jim is using his bursary to purchase access to specialist software and he's looking forward creating exciting new projects using relatable software.

Maeve Power

Second year Communications Studies student Maeve, is a photographer and videographer with a passion for her art. Maeve is keen to develop her talent and will use the bursary to purchase a camera and access to software. In particular, Maeve is looking forward to using her new equipment to detail all of the events for DCU Surf 'n' Sail.

Congratulations again to all!