Humanities and Social Sciences Postgraduate Courses
Why do this programme?
The MA in Music, Sound, Media and Culture is designed for students who are curious about, and are eager to engage and learn about interdisciplinary fields in sonic, media and creative studies and practices. They will encounter a range of interdisciplinary studies, while also integrating applied, creative and collaborative components. This includes options for practicum and creative-practice modules, alongside critical, interpretive, analytical and reflective components.
Clár an chúrsa:
Thar tréimhse dhá bhliain, tugann mic léinn pháirtaimseartha faoi mhodúil i réimse topaicí a bhaineann leis an ngnó digiteach, bainistíocht agus ceannaireacht, agus cúrsaí straitéise agus margaíochta, chomh maith le tionscadal nó tráchtas sa taighde feidhmeach. Dearadh gach ceann de na modúil ar mhaithe le freastal ar threochtaí atá ag teacht chun cinn i saol na hoibre sa lá atá inniu ann.
Programme Structure and Content
Modules are taught through a combination of seminars, workshops, small group discussions and field trips. There is a strong emphasis on active and independent learning. All modules are 10 credits and are examined by continuous assessment in the form of reviews, essays, research papers, learning journals and class presentations.
Programme Structure
To facilitate both interdisciplinarity and specialisation, the MA will be divided into two streams: law and computing. Entrance on to either the law or computing stream will be dependent upon existing education. All students will complete 4 core modules which will offer a mix of law and computing and will be accessible to all admitted students. For example, the core law modules will be accessible to students from a non-legal background and the core computing modules will be accessible to students from a non-computing background.
Programme Aims
- To introduce students to theories, critical concepts and methods relating to social media.
- To Investigate and relate institutional, technical and social factors shaping social media practices.
- To critically examine social media practices by a variety of actors, including politicians, businesses, journalists and publics.
- To analyse the impact of social media in politics, socio-cultural and economic life.
- To enable students to develop effective social media communicative strategies.
DCU’s MSc in Public Relations and Strategic Communications focuses on the “why” of communication decisions, rather than just the “how” of any communication activities. As a result, students completing the programme will:
The European Master in Law, Data and Artificial Intelligence (EMILDAI) offers a highly integrated, multilingual and interdisciplinary curriculum, which is articulated into two years (120 ECTS). EMILDAI students will receive a joint master’s degree awarded by the partner universities they attend (joint degree ‘per track’). Students are required to know at least two languages: either English and French or English and Spanish.
Why Do This Programme?
- Gain an understanding of a broad range of ethical theories and principles at the forefront of general and applied ethics.
- Acquire a critical awareness of contemporary public and professional ethical issues, together with new ethical insights, developed and informed by a variety of philosophical, theological, human rights, and intercultural perspectives.
- Learn how to analyse specific ethical issues, challenges and dilemmas arising from contemporary work, professional activity and public life.
Programme Content and Structure
Programme Content and Structure
This programme is offered full-time over one year.
Students take a combination of core and option modules in areas such Responsive Media, Moving Image, Media Innovation, Sound Design and Media Animation. All students complete a Final Team Production Project.
To provide students from a range of undergraduate and skills' backgrounds with an effective learning environment with respect to digital media technologies and content creation.
Programme Aims and Objectives
The programme provides training and education for those interested in the journalism profession and its related fields. It balances practical, theoretical, technical and analytical elements to address the changing media environment and the new and increasingly diverse demands being made on entrants to journalism. Upon completion, graduates will have the skills, in-depth knowledge and understanding to begin to pursue a successful journalism career, whether in newspapers, magazines, online or in television or radio.
Programme Structure and Content
As a full-time student, you will take three core modules in Semester 1, together with a (year-long) research methodology module. In Semester 2, you will choose three modules from a range of options. A 12,000 word dissertation will be submitted in September.
The programme is timetabled in the evening, generally from 4 pm onwards*, with each module being delivered on a seminar basis. It features presentations by guest speakers from NGOs and practitioners working with people in refugee (-like) situations.
Programme Structure and Content
The MSc in Translation Technology:
- Develops a range of professional and linguistic skills appropriate to the translation profession
- Equips students with the technological tools and skills required in the profession
- Provides practical training in the use of translation tools and an introduction to computer programming
- Introduces students to contemporary theoretical issues in Translation Studies
Students on the MSc in Translation Technology take these core modules
Why Do This Programme?
Why Do This Programme?
You’ll have access to DCU’s widely recognised expertise in the fields of Christian theology, comparative theology and world religions, theological ethics, biblical studies, philosophy of religion, public dialogue, and to the resources of our Institute of Ethics and the Centre for Interreligious Dialogue.
Upon completion of this programme, you’ll:
Programme Content and Structure
The MA in Ethics (Corporate Responsibility) specifically expands on the theoretical perspective of business ethics as well as its practical management tools.
Upon successful completion of the course of study for this award, a graduate will be able to:
Struchtúr agus Ábhar an Chláir
Is féidir an chéim a bhaint amach trí chlár bliana lánaimseartha nó go páirtaimseartha trí chlár dhá bhliain. Má roghnaíonn tú an clár bliana, déanfaidh tú trí mhodúl i Seimeastar 1 agus trí mhodúl eile i Seimeastar 2, agus freastalóidh tú ar léachtaí ar an gcampas cúpla tráthnóna sa tseachtain. Scrúdú scríofa nó measúnuithe leanúnacha a bhíonn i gceist leis an measúnú. Déanfaidh tú miontráchtas a scríobh faoi stiúir léachtóra.
Programme Structure and Content
Climate change is growing ever more central to politics, policymaking, planning, business, and civil society, both in terms of mitigating our impact on the climate, and building resilience to current and future climate impacts through adaptation. At a global level, the Paris Agreement on climate change, agreed at COP21 in Paris in December 2015, set a pathway towards full decarbonisation of the global economy in the second half of this century.
Programme Structure and Content
Students on the MA in Translation Studies take core modules Translation Technology, Computerised Terminology, Translation Theory, Research Methodologies and Simulated Translation Bureau. Specialised translation modules available are from French, German, Spanish, Japanese and Chinese into English, and from English into Irish.
Optional modules include, Localisation, Community Interpreting, Digital Methods in Language and Discourse.
Programme Content and Structure
The MA in Political Communication examines the rapidly changing relationship between the media, politics and the public, and considers how their overlapping relations influence democracy and the distribution of power.
Programme Structure and Content
You’ll take four core modules, and choose two other modules from a suite of options, followed by a Policy Analysis Exercise. An innovative departure from the traditional dissertation, this Policy Analysis Exercise — which can be linked to your employment — is an opportunity for you to work on real policy problems set by public organisations.
Programme Structure and Content
This MA can be completed in one year on a full-time basis, or in two years on a part-time basis.
As a full-time student, you’ll take three core modules in Semester 1, along with a research methodology class. In Semester 2, you’ll take three modules from a range of thematic- and region-focused options. A 15,000 word dissertation is due in September.
Programme Structure and Content
This MA can be completed in one year on a full-time basis, or in two years on a part-time basis.
As a full-time student, you’ll take three core modules in Semester 1, along with a research methodology class. In Semester 2, you’ll take three modules from a range of thematic- and region-focused options. A 15,000 word dissertation is due in September.
Programme Structure and Content
The Masters in European Law and Policy is designed to integrate legal and policy analysis and to equip students with complementary knowledge and skills across both fields. It is designed to ensure students have a comprehensive grounding in both EU law and policy analysis while allowing for some specialisation in either law or policy through optional modules and the dissertation topic.
Programme Content and Structure
This programme is offered full-time over one year and part-time over two years.
Programme Content and Structure
The programme is offered part-time over two years. Lectures take place in Drumcondra on Monday evenings and on one Saturday per semester.
Students must successfully complete six core taught modules:
Why do this programme?
International security presents complex, challenging realities for a wide range of actors from nation states and international organisations, to multi-national corporations. Globalisation and increased interdependency has radically changed the way we view security in relation to state, society, the economy and even the biosphere.