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Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences
Until We Fall

Book Launch - Until We Fall by Helena Sheehan

You are cordially invited to the launch of Until We Fall: Long Distance Life on the Left by Helena Sheehan at 6pm, Thursday 23 November at the President’s Lounge, Albert College Building, DCU.

You are cordially invited to the launch of Until We Fall: Long Distance Life on the Left by Helena Sheehan

When: 6pm, Thursday 23 November

Where: The President’s Lounge, Albert College Building, DCU.

The volume will be launched by Prof. Farrel Corcoran and Dr Declan Fahy.

Helena Sheehan is Professor Emerita at Dublin City University where she taught philosophy of science, history of ideas, and media studies in the School of Communication. Her previous books include Marxism and the Philosophy of Science, The Syriza Wave, and Navigating the Zeitgeist. As a sequel to Navigating the Zeitgeist, this new volume takes us through Eastern Europe from the 1980s onward and includes a chapter on South Africa, where Sheehan participated in its political and intellectual life for extended periods of the post-apartheid period. It also offers perspectives on Sheehan's birthplace, the United States, the unfolding realities confronting her chosen home, Ireland, and the major changes in the culture of academe in the decades she had taught in universities. More information on Until We Fall may be found at: 


Please RSVP to eileen.myers@dcu.ie