Seminar on Workplace Bullying

National Anti-Bullying Research Centre DCU (Glasnevin Campus)

The National Anti-Bullying Research and Resource Centre in DCU will host a half-day seminar on workplace bullying on 18th April, 2015. The workshop aims to give participants the required skills to prevent and deal with workplace bullying and will be of interest to employers, workers and members of the public interested in bullying. 

The course, facilitated by Dr Genevieve Murray, will use a variety of training methods and case studies, together with other materials, will be used to stimulate discussion, increase and build skills;

  • To identify bullying and harassment
  • To challenge it effectively
  • To assist victims
  • To manage aggression
  • To conduct investigations
  • To draw up an effective anti-bullying policy
  • To create an harassment free environment