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Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences - Representing Women Project

Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences

Representing Women Project

Who We Are

Professor Jenny Williams is Director of the Centre for Translation and Textual Studies and has published on Hans Fallada and on Translation Studies. She wrote the first biography of Hans Fallada in English, More Lives Than One (1998). She co-authored, with Andrew Chesterman, The Map: A Guide to Doing Research in Translation Studies (2002; 2006) and has translated The Fishermen Sleep by Sabine Lange (2005).

Dr Eileen Connolly, MA in Women’s Studies and a PhD in Government, is a senior lecturer in the School of Law and Government. She is on the executive committee of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), and is a member of both the ECPR and PSAI (Political Studies Association of Ireland) standing groups on Gender and Politics.  Her research interests include gender and state, gender and development, and the relationship between states and civil society.  She is currently working on a book on Gender and the Irish State in the twentieth century. http://www.dcu.ie/info/staff_member.php?id_no=348

Selected publications:

Connolly, Eileen and Doyle, John. 2010. La política exterior irlandesa a l'ONU i a la UE: Influència i participació (in Catalan) [Irish foreign policy in the United Nations and European Union: influence and participation]. Dcidob, 111, pp.11-27.

Connolly, Eileen. 2007. The institutionalisation of anti-poverty and social exclusion policy in Irish social partnership. Dublin: Combat Poverty.

Connolly, Eileen. 2003. Durability and change in state gender systems: Ireland in the 1950s. European Journal Of Women's Studies, 10-4, pp.65-86.

Dr Angela Leahy is a Lecturer in the School of Applied Language and Intercultural Studies (SALIS) at Dublin City University (DCU). Her teaching and research interests include: Textbook Analysis, Discourse Analysis, German, Language Teaching and Learning, and Multiculturalism. She was co-editor of Intercultural Spaces: language, culture, identity (2007)and Principle Investigator on an IRCHSS-funded project entitled Gaelscoileanna and Multicultural Classrooms; the potential for transfer to enhance L2 learning experiences (2009). She is a member of the Centre for Translation and Textual Studies at DCU and is co-supervising one of the doctoral research projects associated with the Representing Women project. She is also currently supervising postgraduate research in the area of Language and Migration. She is Chair of the BA in Applied Language and Intercultural Studies in SALIS.

Dr Barbara O’Connor is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Communications at Dublin City University and a member of the School’s research centre, Society, Information and Media (SIM). She has an academic background in sociology and social anthropology.  Her research interests include the representational and ethnographic aspects of media and gender as well of other popular cultural forms and practices such as tourism and dance. She has published widely in these areas and is co-editor of Gender in Irish Society (Galway University Press, 1987), Tourism In Ireland: A Critical Analysis (Cork University Press, 1993), Media Audiences in Ireland: Power and Cultural Identity (University College Dublin Press, 1997) Irish Tourism: Image, Culture and Identity (Channel View Publications, 2003) and Mapping Irish Media: Critical Explorations  (UCD Press, 2007). 

Veronica Mkilanya is a research PHD student in the joint project Representing Women in the Centre for International Studies based in DCU’s School of Law and Government. This study is in the same area with the MA completed at DCU on the substantive impact of women representation in the parliament.

Barbara Pięta is a PhD Candidate in the School of Communications at Dublin City University a member of the Society, Information and Media research centre. Her doctoral research explores media representations of Irish female politicians and audience responses to these media messages. She holds a BA Cultural Studies from Jagiellonian University and a MA Cultural Anthropology/Development Sociology from Leiden University. Her current research interests include: gender and feminist theory; textual and audience research; media anthropology.  

Gráinne Toomey is a research MA student in the Centre for Translation and Textual Studies and joined the Representing Women project after completing a Masters in Translation Studies in the School of Applied Language and Intercultural Studies (SALIS), DCU. Her research in this project will involve linguistic analysis of contributions made by women TDs during parliamentary debates in Dáil Éireann.