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Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences - Representing Women Project

Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences

Representing Women Project

News & Events

Seminar on Representing Women: Images, Discourses and Realities in Irish Political Life

The Representing Women Research Project at Dublin City University is hosting a one-day seminar on Representing Women: Images, Discourses and Realities in Irish Political Life, which will bring together researchers, politicians and other stakeholders to exchange ideas and share experiences on the gender dynamics operating within Irish parliamentary democracy with a particular focus on the representation, role(s) and performance of women politicians in Dáil Éireann. This will be the first multi-disciplinary academic conference to investigate the factors contributing to the significant gender imbalance in Irish parliamentary democracy. The aim of the conference is to make a contribution to the discussion about developing strategies for political change in this area of the Irish public domain.

Confirmed speakers include: Mary Banotti (MEP 1984-2004), Stephen Donnelly TD, Olwyn Enright (TD 2002-2011), Professor Yvonne Galligan (Queen's University Belfast), Susan McKay (Director, National Women's Council), Veronica Mkilanya (Representing Women Research Project), Alison O'Connor (Irish Independent), Mary O'Rourke (TD 1982-2002; 2007-2011), Barbara Pieta (Representing Women Research Project), Dr Sylvia Shaw (Middlesex University), Grainne Toomey (Representing Women Research Project).

Date: September 15th 2011
Venue: The Gallery, The Helix, Dublin City University, Glasnevin, Dublin 9.
Registration fee: 15 EUR (student/ unwaged: 8 EUR). The registration fee includes tea/ coffee and lunch. Registration will take place on the day. Members of the public are most welcome to attend.
Seminar Structure

The seminar will be organised around three panels that reflect the three strands of the Representing Women Research Project. Each panel will consist of four participants including academics, politicians and journalists. Each of the four presentations will last 15 minutes and will be followed by an open discussion.


9.30-10:00: Registration

10.00-10.10: Welcome: Professor Jenny Williams
Opening Remarks. Professor Brían McCraith, President of Dublin City University.

10.10-11.40: Media Images and Impacts. Chair: Dr. Barbara O'Connor.

  • Susan McKay
  • Alison O'Connor
  • Mary O'Rourke
  • Barbara Pieta

11.40-12.00: Tea/ Coffee break

12.00-1.30: Language Use and Access to Power in Parliamentary Debates. Chair: Dr Angela Leahy.

  • Mary Banotti
  • Olwyn Enright
  • Sylvia Shaw
  • Grainne Toomey

1.30-2:30: Lunch

2.30-4.00: Women's Contribution to Parliamentary Debate: Different Priorities, Different Perspectives? Chair: Dr Eileen Connolly.

  • Stephen Donnelly
  • Yvonne Galligan
  • Veronica Mkilanya
  • (To be confirmed)

4.00-4.30: Round Table and Conclusion of Seminar. Chair: Professor Jenny Williams

Please note that the programme may be subject to minor changes.

For further details/ enquiries please contact: representing.women@dcu.ie

Project Website: http://www.dcu.ie/humanities/representing_women_project/index.shtml