The Politics of Economic Growth in China

The Politics of Economic Growth in China

Prof. Xin Sun from Trinity College Dublin gave a talk on ‘The politics of economic growth in China’.

The talk was held on the 21st April, Tuesday, 4-5 in CG20.

In his talk, Prof. Xin Sun provided an overview of the Chinese economy. He focused on the possible political explanations for the miraculous economic growth China has achieved in the past three decades, as well as the obstacles China is currently facing to sustainable development.

Xin Sun is an assistant professor of political science at Trinity College Dublin. He received his PhD in political science from Northwestern University in 2014. Previous he received his BA and MA in Beijing University and Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research interests include Chinese politics and politics in authoritarian regimes. He is currently working on a book manuscript on Chinese land politics. He has also written on local governance and grassroots elections in China. His research has appeared at the China Journal, Journal of Comparative Economics, Journal of Contemporary China, Journal of East Asian Studies and Political Studies.