DCU President's Office | Oifig an Uachtaráin
Annual Report 2001 - Academic Executive of the University
annual report 2001
academic executive of the university
Professor Ferdinand von Prondzynski (chair), President
Professor Patricia Barker, Registrar
Mr Martin Conry, Secretary
Dr Pauric Travers, President, St Patrick's College, Drumcondra
Prof Conor Long, Dean of Research
Elected Members:
Dr Anthony Glynn, Director, Innovations and Business Relations
Professor Charles McCorkell, Head, School of Electronic Engineering
Dr Barry McMullin, Dean of Teaching and Learning
Prof Kathy Monks, DCU Business School
Professor Richard O'Kennedy, School of Biotechnology
Professor Albert Pratt, Director General
Professor Malcolm Smyth, School of Chemical Sciences
Mr Frank Soughley, Finance Officer
Ms Margaret Walsh, Personnel Officer