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Annual Report 2001 - Centre for Sport Science and Health

annual report 2001

centre for sport science and health

Research Carried out / Ongoing

Kerrane J
  • Sport, social policy and planning.
  • Sports structures and organizations.
  • Professionalism and volunteerism in the sport, fitness and leisure industries in Ireland.
Monedero J
  • Optimisation of the recovery process in sport.
  • Lactate kinetics and optimisation of training intensities to improve sport performance.
  • Optimisation of sport science testing applied to different sports.
Moran K
  • The use of movement analysis in identifying effective treatments from neuromuscular pathologies.
  • Identification of appropriate strength training practices based on an individual's force generating characteristics (e.g. rate of force development, maximum strength, power).
  • Improvements in performance of elite athletes based on intra-individual differences.
  • The use of muscle-tendon vibrators to facilitate muscle and bone development.
  • Development of novel sensor based technology for monitoring movement.
  • The cause and effective treatment of knee ACL injury.
  • Identification of effective strategies for learning movement skills through demonstration.
Moyna N
  • How polymorphic variations in genes that code for specific proteins contribute to human variation in both health and disease.
  • Application of high-resolution ultrasound to assess the relation between endothelial function and cardiovascular disease and the therapeutic application of physical activity in disease states where endothelial function is impaired.
  • Efficacy of pharmacologic, dietary, physical activity and behavioral interventions in the primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease.
  • Response of the thrombotic, fibrinolytic and inflammatory systems to pharmacologic intervention and exercise training.
  • Interaction between physical activity, neural, endocrine and immune processes.
  • The role of perceptual preference in regulating exercise intensity and promoting adherence.
Woods C
  • Promotion of physical activity and adherence to active lifestyles across the lifespan.
  • Public health impact of physical inactivity.
  • Physical activity and its relationship to clinically defined areas such as stress or depression, or to health behaviours such as cessation of smoking or health eating.
  • The psychology of physical education.
  • The psychology of sports performance.