DCU President's Office | Oifig an Uachtaráin
Annual Report 2001 - Centre for Sport Science and Health
annual report 2001
centre for sport science and health
External Activities
External Lectures / Papers / Presentation
- "Apo E genotype affects the increase in maximal oxygen uptake with exercise training." Moyna, N.M., Tsongalis, G., Meckes, C.L., Zoeller, R., Gordon, P., Visich, P., Miles, M., Angelopoulos, T., Pescatello, L. and Thompson, P.D. Presented at the American Heart Association, Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA, November 2000.
- "Endothelial function in adolesecents with type 2 diabetes." Moyna, N.M., Estrada, E., LaRocca, G.M., Sarnoski, C., Wark, A., Meckes, C.L., Krueger, L.M., Bilbie, S., Angelopoulos, T. and Thompson, P.D. Presented at the American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MA, USA, June 2001. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., 2000, 32(5).
- "Effect of endurance exericse training on inflammatory and thrombotic markers." Meckes, C.L., Moyna, N.M., Krueger, L.M. and Thompson, P.D. Presented at the American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MA, USA, June, 2001. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., 2000, 32(5).
- "Design and development of a knee signatory system." O'Sullivan, B., McNamara, B, Moran, K. and Murray, P. European Society of Biomechanics. Trinity, Dublin, 2000.
- "A key note presentation on Promoting Activity in Higher Education/Further Education - the latest research." Woods, C.B., McKenna J. Presented at the British Universities and Colleges Physical Education Association, Scotland, UK, 2001.
- "Physical activity, healthy eating and smoking cessation - Is there a common link? Woods, C.B., Mutrie, N. and Scott, M. The British Psychological Society, Centenary Annual Conference, 2001.
- "A gender analysis of the processes and stages of change components of the TTM in physical activity." Woods, C.B. Mutrie, N. and Scott, M. A paper to be presented at the 10th World Congress of Sport Psychology, 2001.
- "An examination of the relationship between physical activity stage of change and body weight in young men and women." Woods, C.B. and Mutrie, N. A paper to be presented at the BASES annual conference 2001.