Annual Report 2001 - Conferences / Seminars / Short Courses / Other events held at the University
annual report 2001
conferences / seminars / short courses / other events held at the university
Professor Cormac Ó Gráda, Department of Economics, University College Dublin
"Forbairt Eacnamaíochta in Éirinn 1980-2000", seminar to year 1 students as part of module Geilleagar & Sochaí na hÉireann (Irish Economy and Society), 26 October 2000.
Feargal Ó Móráin, Enterprise Ireland
"Human Resource Management", seminar for MSc students as part
of module Bainistíocht Airgeadais don Ghnó (Financial Management
for Business), 26 October 2000.
John Walsh, Editor, Eurolang (Brussels-based minority language news
"Scríbhneoireacht chumarsáideach", seminar to
MSc students as part of module Cumarsáid Ghnó (Business
Communication), 20 November 2000.
Professor Finbarr Bradley, Independent consultant
"Páirtnéireachtaí Poiblí/Príobháideach",
seminar to year 3 students as part of module Fiontraíocht, Cultúr
& Forbairt Náisiúnta (Entrepreneurship, Culture and
National Development), 27 November 2000.
Póilín Ní Chiaráin, journalist (Foinse,
RTÉ, Raidió na Gaeltachta)
"An Próiseas Síochána i dTuaisceart Éireann",
seminar to year 1 students as part of module Geilleagar & Sochaí
na hÉireann (Irish Economy and Society), 28 November 2000.
John Tambwe, FÁS Asylum Support Unit, Blanchardstown
"Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Ireland", seminar to year 1
students as part of module Geilleagar & Sochaí na hÉireann
(Irish Economy and Society), 5 December 2000.
Breandán Ó Caoláin and Kaye Lawrence, Pavee Point
"Travellers and Multiculturalism in Ireland", seminar to year
1 students as part of module Geilleagar & Sochaí na hÉireann
(Irish Economy and Society), 12 December 2000.
Professor Brendan Whelan, Director, ESRI
"History, strategy and policy of the ESRI", seminar to MSc students
as part of module, 13 March 2001.
Dr Peadar Kirby, School of Communications, DCU
"Forbairt agus éagothroime in Éirinn", seminar
for MSc students as part of module An Ghaeilge i Ré Ilchultúrtha
(Irish in a Multicultural Era), 10 April 2001.
John Walsh, Editor, Eurolang (Brussels-based minority language news
"Polasaí faoi mhionteangacha: Éire agus an Eoraip",
seminar for MSc students as part of module An Ghaeilge i Ré Ilchultúrtha
(Irish in a Multicultural Era), 10 April 2001.