Annual Report 2001 - Conferences / Seminars / Short Courses / Other events held at the University
annual report 2001
conferences / seminars / short courses / other events held at the university
Faculty of Engineering and Design
School of Electronic Engineering
Computer Vision Seminars 2001
Professor Paul F Whelan, Vision Systems Laboratory in association
with the Irish Pattern Recognition and Classification Society (IPRCS)
and RINCE (March-May 2001)
Article about Vision Systems Laboratory: January 2001: 'Virtual
colonoscopy' new tool against cancer - Irish Times (11-1-01).
O'Connor N
COST 211 EU project meeting, sponsored by the European Commission,
22 participants, 29-30 April 2001.
School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
Szecsi, Tamas
International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM 2001), School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, 160 participants, DCU, 16-18 July 2001.