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Annual Report 2001 - Conferences / Seminars / Short Courses / Other events held at the University

annual report 2001

conferences / seminars / short courses / other events held at the university

Dublin City University Business School
Byrne M and Willis P
Accounting Seminar for Second Level Teachers, 150 participants, 13 January 2001.

Brady M
Organised seminar on Electronic Commerce for MBA Association, 20 January 2001.

Connell R
Delivered Paper on Budgeting at DCUBS Accounting Teachers Seminar, January 2001.

Hurley J
Opening of the DCU Symposium Dr. Baruch Blumberg on "Scientific Effectiveness", 20 June 2001.

Shields M
One day seminar on Marketing for the Growing Enterprise.

Willis P
Accounting Tutor Training Course, DCUBS. 24 participants, 25 October 2000.

Willis P
Irish Accounting and Finance Association together with Association of Chartered Certificate Accountants 1 Day seminar, 50 participants, 11 November 2000.