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Annual Report 2001 - Donations to the University

annual report 2001

donations to the university

Equipment Donations

School of Electronic Engineering
Donation of DSP development systems (for teaching and research) by Texas Instruments Europe, value IR£13,000.

School of Computer Applications
The Radio Networks Support Centre in Ericsson Systems in Clonskeagh, Dublin, have donated a pair of Professional Bluetooth Development kits for research purposes to Brian Stone and his students in the School of Computer Applications. This will allow those researchers to develop wireless mobile applications as well as to do research on bluetooth technology. The donation is valued at about £12,000.

School of Physical Sciences
Plasma Processing equipment donated by LAM Research.

School of Chemical Sciences
Swords Laboratories, Dublin, donated a Hewlett Packard - 5971 gas chromatograph with mass spectrometric detection, a gradient ion chromatograph and various liquid chromatographic detectors to B Paull's research group, approximate value £50 K.
Dionex (UK) Ltd, donated an ion chromatograph together with analytical and suppressor columns to B Paull's research group, approximate value £15 K.