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Annual Report 2001 - Donations to the University

annual report 2001

donations to the university


School of Applied Language and Intercultural Studies (SALIS)
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) awarded funding for two annual scholarship holders and two summer course candidates.

School of Communications
"Innovation in New Media Industries". Postgraduate Student Scholarship.
"Consumption and Use of New ICTs in the Household Setting". Postgraduate Student Scholarship.
"Citizenship and New Communication Models in Ireland and the EU". Postgraduate Student Scholarship.
"Consumption and Use of New ICTs amongst Household Users in the West of Ireland". Postgraduate Student Scholarship.

School of Mathematics
Albert College Junior Research Fellowship awarded to Brian Nolan.

Foras na Gaeilge: Agreement was reached during 2000-2001 with Foras na Gaeilge on a comprehensive range of scholarships for students. It was agreed that £1,700 (€2,158) would be awarded annually.
Bord na Leabhar Gaeilge: Sponsorship of Studentships for 2 postgraduate research students to undertake Master's degrees on strategic marketing development for books in Irish.