DCU President's Office | Oifig an Uachtaráin
Annual Report 2001 - Dublin City University Business School
annual report 2001
dublin city university business school
External Activities
Appointments / Memberships: External Bodies
- Member, Institution of Engineers of Ireland
- Member, Irish Computer Society
- Member, Irish Internet Association
- Member, System Dynamics Society
- Member, Operational Research Society
- Member, NCEA Business Studies Board of Assessors
- Member, Senior Cycle Accounting Course Committee
- Member, Irish Accounting and Finance Association
- Fellow, Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland
- Member, Institute of Taxation in Ireland
- Member, Society of Research into Higher Education
- Member, British Accounting Association
- Member, American Accounting Association
- External Examiner, M Litt, School of Law, Trinity College Dublin, October 2000
- Board Member, National Accreditation Board (NAB), a division of Forfás, the Policy and Advisory Board for Industrial Development in Ireland
- Member, Steering Committee, Occupational Safety and Health Institute of Ireland (OSHII)
- Member, the E Commerce Strategy Advisory team for Dublin Chamber of Commerce
- Member, Psychological Society of Ireland
- National Secretary of the Royal Irish Academy's National Committee for the Study of International Affairs for a three year term beginning 1 January 2000
- Member, Board of Humanities Assessment Panel for Awards for the Royal Irish Academy
- External Examiner for Politics, University of Leeds
- External examiner for the MSc in Comparative Politics at the London School of Economics
- General editor of Book series with Palgrave on French Politics, Culture and Society
- Chair of the French Politics and Policy Standing Group of the Political Studies Association of the UK
- Member, American Political Science Association
- Member, Political Studies Association of Ireland
- Member, Political Studies Association of the UK
- Member, French Politics and Policy Standing Group of the Political Studies Association
- Member, Editorial Board of 'Accounting Education An International Journal'
- External Examiner for the Society of Investment Analysts in Ireland
- Member, Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland
- Member, Irish Accounting and Finance Association
- Member, British Accounting Association
- Member, European Accounting Association
- Member, International Association for Accounting Education and Research
- Member, Marketing Institute of Ireland
- Member, Academy of Marketing
- Member, Marketing Society
- Member, Editorial Board Special issue editor European Journal of Work and Organisational Psychology 3/3/90 to 3/3/01
- Elected Vice-President of the Irish Fulbright Alumni Association for a three year period
- Member, Editorial Review Board of the Journal of Business in Developing Nations
- External Examiner, Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
- Member, Royal Irish Academy National Committee for Economic and Social Studies.
- CIMA Board of examiners: Moderator on Irish Taxation paper.
- Irish representative on the board of the European Tax Professors Association.
- Member, International Fiscal Association.
- Member, European Tax Professors Association.
- Member, Institute of Taxation in Ireland.
- Member, Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland
- Member, The Irish Accounting Association.
- Member, The British Accounting Association.
- Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development
- Secretary, Irish Academy of Management
- Editor, Journal of Irish Academy of Management
- Member, Editorial Board, Personnel Review
- External Examiner, Waterford Institute of Technology
- External Examiner, PhD thesis, Institute of Technology Delhi
- Chair, Business Panel, Government of Ireland Postgraduate Awards Irish Research Council for Humanities & Social Sciences
- Appointed by Minister for Finance to working group on the Accountability of Secretaries General and Accounting offices
- Member, Executive Committee of the Management Education & Development Division of the American Academy of Management
- Member, International Human Resource Management Committee of the Human Resource Division of the American Academy of Management
- Appointed to the Council of the National Centre for Partnership and Performance
- Review Editor, Irish Political Studies, Vol. 15, 2000
- Honorary Treasurer, National Library of Ireland Society
- Moderator in Financial Accounting, Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Ireland
- Member, Marketing Institute of Ireland
- Member, Irish Accounting and Finance Association
- External Examiner, Waterford Institute of Technology
- Member, Management Control Association
- Member, Editorial Board of The Irish Accounting Review
- Member, British Accounting Association
- External examiner MBS thesis, Waterford Institute of Technology, September 2001
- Member, European Accounting Association
- External Examiner, Dundee University
- Member, Committee of Heads of Accounting
- Member, Committee of the Irish Association of Corporate Treasurers
- Moderator for the Certified Institute of Public Accountants Professional 2 - Financial Management examinations
- Member, Irish Accounting and Finance Association
- Member, Irish Economic Association
- Involved with PLATO, Business Support Network
- External Examiner, PhD, London University
- External Assessor, Nottingham Trent University
- Member, Research Ethics Committee Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
- Member, Irish Episcopal Commission for Research and Development.
- Member, Academy of Marketing
- Member, Association for Consumer Research
- Associate Editor, Irish Marketing Review
- External Examiner for two DIT research Masters
- Secretary Member, Irish Accounting and Finance Association
- Fellow, Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland
- Member, Institute of Fiscal Studies
- External examiner, Institute of Technology Tallaght
- External examiner, Institute of Technology Dundalk
- Member, British Accounting Association
- Examiner for the Certificate in Investment Management, Society of Investment Analysts in Ireland