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Annual Report 2001 - Dublin City University Business School
annual report 2001
dublin city university business school
External Activities
External Lectures / Papers / Presentation
- "The Importance of the European Union." Paper presented at the European Studies Planning Conference at the Department of Education and Science, 2 March 2001.
- Delivered module on European Business Environment at the International Management Programme at Reims Management School on March from 29 January - 2 February 2001.
- "Citizenship and Identity in the European Union - An Assessment" Paper presented at the European Studies Planning Conference at the Department of Education and Science on 9 March 2001.
- "Ireland the European Union - a Changing Relationship." Paper presented at the European Studies Planning Conference at the Department of Education and Science on 23 March 2001.
- "Evaluation of different pricing strategies using analytical and simulation approaches" Paper presented at Irish Academy of Management Annual Conference, University of Ulster, Magee College, Derry, Northern Ireland, 6-7 September 2001.
- "Electronic Business Models." Seminar on Electronic Commerce, MBA Association (Ireland), Dublin City University Business School, 20 January 2001.
- "Simulation of the business firm using several different pricing approaches." 19th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, 24-27 July 2001.
- "Women only Management Education: Toward a more diverse work environment." Buckley, F. and Monks, K. Paper presented to Global Management Conference on Comparative HRM - Learning from Diversity, Barcelona, 19-22 June 2001.
- "Personal versus Organisational Polychronicity: When personal values collide with organisational expectations." Presented to the 10th. European Congress on Work & Organisational Psychology, Prague, May 2001.
- "Trust and Distrust in the modern Workplace: Implications for Organisational Harmony." Presented at the 30th Annual Conference of the Psychological Society of Ireland, Portumna, November 2000.
- "Responding to Managers Learning Needs in an Edge of Chaos Environment" Buckley, F and Monks, K. Paper presented to the Symposium on 'Management Education and Development Strategies in a High Performance Economy', at the Academy of Management Meeting, Washington DC, 6 August 2001.
- Financial Statements of PLCs paper presented at DCUBS Accounting Seminar Series, 13 January 2001.
- "Accounting in the Leaving Certificate Programme. Some Research Results" Byrne, M. and Willis, P. Paper presented at DCUBS Accounting Seminar Series, 13 January 2001.
- "How do Students Approach the Learning of Accounting?" Byrne, M., Flood B. and Willis P. Paper presented at the European Accounting Association Conference, at Athens University of Economics and Business, Athens, Greece, 20 April 2001.
- "The Relationship between Learning Approaches an Learning Outcomes: A Study of Irish Accounting Students." Byrne, M., Flood B. and Willis P. Presented at British Accounting Association, Special Interest Group on Accounting Education, Annual Conference, University of Glamorgan, Wales, 3 July 2001.
- Paper on "Review of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 1989", at IBEC Safety Manager's Forum, Maryborough House Hotel, Cork, 17 January 2001.
- Paper on "Health and Safety at Work", part of series entitled Handling Employment Law Issues 2001, Irish Centre for Commercial Law Studies, University College Dublin, 24 January 2001.
- "Product Safety: A 2001 Update" Paper presented at Conference on Product Liability organised by Law School, Trinity College Dublin, 27 January 2001.
- "Employer's Liability and Health and Safety at Work" Paper presented at Conference on Recent Developments in Tort Litigation organised by Law School, Trinity College Dublin, 6 July 2001.
- "Professional accounting bodies' disciplinary procedures: accountable, transparent and in the public interest?" Canning, M. and O'Dwyer B. Paper presented at the EIASM Workshop on the Future of Audit, Assurance and the Profession, Copenhagen, June 2001.
- "Between globalisation and partnership: the role of employers' organisations as political actors." Connolly, E. and O'Hagan, E. Presented to Political Studies Association of Ireland Annual Conference, 13-15 October 2000.
- "Gender and Public Policy: the 1965 Succession Act in the Republic of Ireland." Presented to Research Seminar Series, Contemporary Irish History Association, Trinity College Dublin, 4 April 2001.
- "Irish Social partnership and the evolving model of European social concentration." presented to Graduate School of Business, University College Dublin, February 2001.
- "Flexible sovereignty and conflict resolution: new responses to security Dilemmas." Paper to Annual Conference of the Royal Irish Academy's National Committee for the Study of International Affairs, Academy House, 24 November 2000.
- "Voter attitudes to inter-party transfers in Northern Ireland: a median-difference analysis of inter-party transfers in the 1998 and 1982 Assembly elections." Paper presented to the Annual Conference of the Political Studies Association of Ireland, Cork, 13-15 October 2000.
- "Agent-centred, principal-centred and mixed accounts of delegation: An application to the French case." Paper presented to the annual conference of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, August 2001.
- "The evolution of semi-presidentialism in the Fifth Republic." Paper presented to the annual conference of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, August 2001.
- "Product Costing." Paper presented at the DCUBS Accounting Seminar Series, DCU, 13 January 2001.
- "How do Students Approach the Learning of Accounting?" Byrne M, Flood B. and Willis P. Paper presented at the European Accounting Association Conference, at Athens University of Economics and Business, Athens, Greece, 20 April 2001.
- "The Relationship between Learning Approaches an Learning Outcomes: A Study of Irish Accounting Students." Byrne M, Flood B and Willis P Presented at British Accounting Association, Special Interest Group on Accounting Education, Annual Conference, University of Glamorgan, Wales, 3 July 2001.
- "The non-profit sector, government and business: partners in the dance of change - an Irish perspective." Paper presented at the Fifth International Research Symposium on Public Management (IRSPM 5), Business School, University of Barcelona, 9-11 April 2001.
- "The voluntary sector: opportunities and challenges', Keynote speaker at NODE (Development Education network)Annual Conference, Gleneagle Hotel, Killarney, 23-24 June 2001.
- "The Evolution of Networks: Are Suppliers of Software Companies in Ireland Sources of Innovation or Providers of Outsourced Commodities" Paper to the Association for Heteredox Economics Annual Conference, London, July 2001.
- "Career Expectations and Family Background: The Modern Workforce." Paper presented at the annual conference of the Psychological Society of Ireland, 9 November 2000.
- "Strategy and leadership:insights from the business world." Paper presented to the 57th Command and Staff Course, Military College, The Curragh, 30 January 2001.
- "Case-based research." Presented at the Research Seminar on Case Research, Trinity College, 19 April 2001.
- &"Supply strategy - what to outsource and where." Paper presented to Irish Institute of Purchasing and Materials Managers Network, Dublin, 29 May 2001.
- "Branding in High-Tech Markets: Relevance and Key Issues." Paper presented at the Irish Academy of Management Conference, University of Ulster, Magee College, Derry, 6-7 September 2001.
- "Building Brand Preference in the Irish Construction Industry." Lynch, J. and O'Dwyer B. Paper presented at the Irish Academy of Management Conference, University of Ulster, Magee College, Derry, 6-7 September 2001.
- "Corporate Governance and State Bodies." Lecture to the Board of the Blood Transfusion Service Board. Dublin City University Business School, 14 September 2000.
- "Electronic Commerce Act 2000: the implications for business." Lecture to the MBA Association of Ireland. Dublin City University Business School, 27 January 2001.
- "Protecting and Vindicating the Rights of People with Learning Disabilities." Lecture to the Master's Programme in Learning Disability Care. University College Dublin 8 January 2001.
- "The Role of Political Economy in Social Control in Ireland: The Debate Surrounding the Irish Poor Law, 1820-1838." Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Association of Heterodox Economics, London, 7 July 2000.
- "Four types of Business Representation in Poland." European Consortium for Political Research General Conference, Canterbury, September 2001.
- Monks, K. 2000. "Developing the knowledge worker: challenges and opportunities." Invited speaker, CIPD Ireland Annual Strategic Training and Development Conference, Dublin, 15 November 2000.
- "Understanding the HRM-Performance Linkage: Insights and Explanations." Monks, K. and Schuster, F. Paper presented at the Global Management Conference on Comparative HRM -Learning from Diversity, Barcelona, June 2001.
- "The HRM-performance relationship: employee perceptions and explanations." Monks, K. and Schuster, F. Irish Academy of Management Conference, University of Ulster, Derry, 6/7 September 2001.
- "Crony Capitalism and the Celtic Tiger: Does the Irish Body Politic Need Cleansing." Murphy, G. and Kearney, C. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Political Studies Association of Ireland, Cork, 13-15 October 2000.
- "Shaping the American Nation: Theodore Roosevelt, the politician as author." Paper presented at a conference of the Irish Association of American Studies, UCD, 13 January 2001.
- "Political Contributions or Political Corruption? Payments to politicians in Ireland in the 1990s." Lecture given to the Department of Politics, University of Glasgow, 22 January 2001.
- "The Torturous Path revisited: new evidence on the Irish Applications to join the EEC, 1961-1972." Lecture given to research seminar in contemporary Irish history, Trinity College, Dublin, 31 January 2001.
- "Payments for no political response? Political Corruption and Tribunals of Inquiry in Ireland, 1991-2001." Paper presented at Political Scandals Past and Present, International Conference, European Studies Research Institute, University of Salford, 21-23 June 2001.
- "Government on the web: How the internet has revolutionised the teaching of government and politics." Paper presented to the International Partnership of Business Schools international jury, Lancaster University, 6-7 July 2001.
- "Marketing a Referendum: The Role of Interest Groups, Political Parties and Governments in Irish Referenda since 1983." Paper presented to the Fourth International Political Marketing Conference, Dublin City University, 6-8 September 2001.
- "An Investigation into the Accountability of Irish Accountants." O'Dwyer, B. and Canning, M. Paper presented at the British Accounting Association National Auditing Conference, De Montfort University Leicester, 23 March 2001.
- "The Unanticipated Impact of EU 'Soft Policies' on Industrial Relations Systems." Paper presented at the Third Global Change Conference at the Manchester Metropolitan University Business School, 14-15 December 2000.
- "Unpacking EU Soft Laws: An Analysis of Employee Involvement Policies." Paper presented at the Employment Research Centre, Trinity College, Dublin, 15 January 2001.
- "Unlikely Comparisons: Illuminating Patterns." 5th Annual Employment Research Unit Conference ' Work Futures'. Cardiff University, Business School, 6-7 September 2000.
- "Integrating Theories: Theories on Industrial Relations within an Integrating Europe." European Sociological Association's 5th Conference, 'Visions and Divisions', Helsinki, 28 August - 1 September 2001.
- "Asymmetric Reactions to the Disclosure of Uncertain Assets and Liabilities: Some Behavioural Evidence." Accounting, Behaviour and Organizations Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, October 2000.
- "The Disclosure of Uncertainty and Perceptions of Reporting Entities." Ivey School of Business Research Seminar Series, University of Western Ontario, January 2001.
- "The exploration of 20-F reconciliations: some proposals." Ó hÓgartaigh, C. and Maroney J. Northeastern University Accounting Research Seminar Series, Boston MA, February 2001.
- "The International Partnership of Business Schools: A Multinational Alliance." Ó hÓgartaigh, C., Begley T., Evans D. and Hilpert D. American Association of Colleges and Schools of Business Annual Conference, New York, NY, April 2001.
- "International Accounting: A European Perspective." Manchester Community College Fulbright Seminar, Manchester CT, April 2001.
- "The International Partnership of Business Schools and Practice-Oriented Education." Ó hÓgartaigh C, Begley T and Hilpert D Practice-Oriented Education Conference, Northeastern University, Boston MA, April 2001.
- "Accounting Information and Corporate Governance in Emerging Markets." response to "Do Investors in Emerging Economies Rely on Information in Their Investment Decisions? An Empirical Evaluation of the Chinese Stock Markets." Swee-Sum Lam, Du Jing, American Accounting Association Northeast Regional Meeting, Portland, ME, May 2001.
- "The disclosure of uncertainty in financial statements: the effects of the form of disclosure and of the financial health of the firm." Boston College Accounting Research Seminar, Carroll School of Management, Boston College, May 2001.
- "When the City comes to the Country." Paper presented at the University of Exeter Ph.D. review session, 22 May 2001.
- "Management Control or Management Support? - The Accountants' Dilemma." Plenary session of the Annual Management Accounting Conference of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Ireland, Kilkenny, 4 November 2000.
- "A Comparison of Canadian and Irish Views on a set of Traditional and Advanced Management Accounting Techniques." Pierce, B. with Richardson, B., Barker, T. and O'Dea, T. Annual Conference of the Irish Accounting and Finance Association, Waterford, 13-14 September 2001.
- "Management Control in Audit Firms." Pierce, B. with Sweeney, B. 11th National Auditing Conference, Leicester, 23-24 March 2001.
- "Beyond the Survey in Researching Management Accounting Practices." Accounting & Finance Seminar, University of Ulster, 26 March 2001.
- "Balancing the Scorecard in Management Accounting." Accounting & Finance Seminar, University of Ulster, 26 March 2001.
- "The valuation effects of the announcement of seasoned equity issues by Irish firms." Presented at the BAA Scottish Regional Conference 2001, Stirling Management Centre, University of Stirling, 13 September 2001.
- "An Exploration of the Factors that Inhibit and Encourage Knowledge-Sharing." Paper presented at the Irish Academy of Management, University of Ulster, September 2001.
- "Teaching Country-of-Origin to undergraduate students: Some thoughts." Paper presented to the International Partnership of Business Schools meeting, Lancaster University, 6-7 July 2001.
- "Analysis of Accounts." Paper presented at DCUBS Accounting Seminar Series 13 January 2001.
- "Accounting in the Leaving Certificate Programme. Some Research Results." Byrne M and Willis P Paper presented at DCUBS Accounting Seminar Series, 13 January 2001.
- "How do Students Approach the Learning of Accounting?" Byrne M, Flood B and Willis P Paper presented at the European Accounting Association Conference, at Athens University of Economics and Business, Athens, Greece, 20 April 2001.
- "The Relationship between Learning Approaches an Learning Outcomes: A Study of Irish Accounting Students." Byrne M, Flood B and Willis P Presented at British Accounting Association, Special Interest Group on Accounting Education, Annual Conference, University of Glamorgan, Wales, 3 July 2001.