Annual Report 2001 - Dublin City University Business School
annual report 2001
dublin city university business school
Dean: Professor Kathy Monks
Unit Report
The past year has seen major achievements in many areas of the School's activities. A new strategy, Change through Innovation has been developed. This is aligned to the University's strategy "Leading Change" and identifies strategies for research, teaching and learning, and staff development. A major thrust of the new strategy is towards the creation of a separate Graduate School.
A new research programme has been developed in line with the University's focus on the development of six themes. Research within DCUBS is now clustered under the umbrella of the Business and Innovation Theme into four focused areas: citizenship, governance and accountability; quantitative finance; knowledge, learning and competitiveness; and enterprise, internationalisation and business relationships. These clusters cross discipline boundaries and bring together researchers from throughout the university in addition to those located within DCUBS. Staff within DCUBS are also actively involved in the other University themes, in particular Education and Learning, Health and Society, and Social Development and World Order.
At an individual level there have been many achievements. Four members of staff - Barbara Flood, James Ryan, Teresa Hogan and Colm Kearney - won Government of Ireland Senior Scholarships that enable them to engage in full-time research during the 2001/2 academic year. David Jacobson was awarded an Albert College Senior Fellowship for 2001/2, while Ciaran O hOgartaigh received a Fulbright scholarship and spent the academic year at Northeastern University. DCUBS has also been successful in obtaining a share of postgraduate research funding under the Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences. There have also been many achievements in Publications with a variety of books and refereed Publications and Sarah Ingle won the 2001 Literati Club Award for Excellence and was highly commended for a refereed article in TQM Magazine.