DCU President's Office | Oifig an Uachtaráin
Annual Report 2001 - Dublin City University Business School
annual report 2001
dublin city university business school
External Activities
other external activities
- Presented details of DCU IMBA programme at Reims Management School MBA programme inaugural workshop, Morzine, 27-30 September 2000.
- Invited to chair parallel session on Economic and Financial Modelling: 19th Annual Conference of the System Dynamics Society, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 24-27 July 2001.
- Member of Interview panel, National College of Ireland.
- External Reviewer, Irish Accounting Review.
- Radio interviews concerning bullying in the workplace: The Last Word, Today FM Radio 10 September 2001; Irish Independent, 12 September 2001; Irish Examiner, 12 September 2001.
- Delivered Module on European Safety and Health Law as part of Satellite-Delivered Certificate in Safety and Safety and Health at Work (UCD Centre for Safety and Health at Work and UCD Audio Visual Centre), November 2000.
- Reviewer for The Irish Accounting Review.
- Annual Published Accounts Awards Screener for ICAI.
- Analysis of anti-globalisation protests on RTE television news 30 April 2001.
- Reviewer for the Irish Journal of Sociology and Irish Political Studies.
- Analysis on anti-globalisation protests on RTE Radio One This Week 6 April 2001.
- Analysis of aftermath of attacks on USA 6.01 News RTE 1 television 11 September 2001.
- Analysis of aftermath of attacks on USA 11pm News RTE 1 television 11 September 2001.
- Prepared solutions for publications by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland - Professional 3 'Management Accounting and Business Finance II', November 2000.
- Appointed expert advisor to Dept of Transport on awarding of PSO Air Services Jan 2001.v
- Invited by Minister for Public Enterprise to review regional airports with focus on National Spatial Strategy and to examine potential and further development of airports July 2001.
- Appointed chair of evaluation panel for some E-business project by Chambers of Commerce of Ireland.
- Invited expert participant at Forfas workshop on indigenous industry.
- Expert adviser to Forfas on new land use and transport body for Dublin May 2001.
- Member of NCEA Course Assessor Panel for Bachelor of Business (marketing) Degree at Dundalk Institute of Technology, December 12/13 2000.
- Member of NCEA Programmatic Review of the Irish Management Institute's Bachelor of Arts in Management, 27 April 2001.
- Member of Pre-Accreditation Panel for ab-initio Bachelor of Business Degree at Sligo Institute of Technology, 9 May 2001.
- Member of the Programmatic Review Panel for the School of Business and Social Studies at Institute of Technology Tralee, 11-12 June 2001.
- 2002 - Appointed guest reviewer for international refereed journal The TQM Magazine.
- Members of ADAMS II Consortium, Funded under the Fifth Framework Programme to undertake research on Human Factors in Aircraft Dispatch and Maintenance Safety. The DCUBS group's role in the project is evaluation.
- Member of PILOT - Policy and Innovation in Low Tech - Consortium, developing proposal to be submitted under the Fifth Framework Programme for EU funding of research. Meetings: Munich, 14-15 September 2001; Dublin, 10-11 November 2001.
- Extern on NUIG Selection Board for Lecturers in Management, 24 October 2000.
- Extern on UU (Magee) Evaluation Panel for the BA in Business Studies Revalidation, 5 June 2001.
- Visiting lecturer in International Marketing at Reims Management School, Reims, France, 27-29 September 2001.
- Panellist at a workshop "A dialogue among international resources overcoming obstacles in cross-national?", Academy of Management Conference, Washington, 3-8 August 2001.
- Discussant at session "Reflexivity, language & action: Epistemological issues in management education", Academy of Management Conference, Washington, 3-8 August 2001.
- Reviewer: Irish Academy of Management, American Academy of Management, Human Resource Management Journal, Irish Journal of Management, Personnel Review, Organisation Studies, OECD.
- Organised a symposium "Management education & development strategies in a high performance economy: The case of Ireland", Academy of Management Conference, Washington, 3-8 August 2001.
- Appearance on RTE Radio One, The Sunday Show, 7 January 2001.
- Interviewed on Network Two Television News, 3 July 2001 on rise of Sinn Fein in Irish Universities.
- "Access and expectation: The influence of interest groups in the policy process." Paper to Department of Political Science, Trinity College, Dublin, 16 February 2001.
- Appearance RTE One television programme 'Prime Time' on corporate donations to political parties, 6 March 2001.
- Appearance on the Sunday Show, RTE Radio One, debate on tribunals and political corruption, Sunday 11 March 2001.
- Appearance on RTE Radio One, 5-7 Live, Friday 8 June 2001. Discussion on results of Nice Treaty.
- Appearance on 'The Sunday Show', RTE Radio One, Sunday 30 September 2001. Debate on Irish neutrality and left wing politics.
- Appointed to head up judging panel on inaugural ACCA Corporate Environmental Reporting awards scheme.
- Presented at press conference to launch inaugural ACCA awards scheme with Minister for the Environment Noel Dempsey on 7 November 2000.
- "International accounting: a European perspective." Invited panel discussion, Fordham University, New York, NY, June 2001.
- "Developments in Cost Management'." Chairman, Annual CIMA/IAFA Management Accounting Seminar, Dublin, 16 February 2001.
- Lectures to Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland on Reproduction Issues, Treatment at the end of life and Paediatrics and the Law, 3, 5, and 6 April 2000.
- Reviewer, the Journal of Consumer Research.
- Reviewer, the Association of Consumer Research conferences in Berlin and Austin, Texas.
- Extern on D.I.T. selection board for lectureship in marketing, December 2000.
- Member of Interview panel, Dublin Institute of Technology.