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Annual Report 2001 - Dublin City University Business School
annual report 2001
dublin city university business school
Research Carried out / Ongoing
- Strategy in a dynamic context: feedback, non-linear growth, and chaos (PhD research).
- Development and commercialisation of the Internet (preliminary research).
- An investigation of the WCM concept in public and private sector companies in Ireland (with J Butler) - Postgraduate collaboration.
- Accounting education (with B Flood and P Willis).
- Measuring student approaches to learning (with B Flood and P Willis).
- Investigation of relationship of approaches to learning and outcomes (with B Flood and P Willis).
- Cultural differences in students' approaches to learning (with B Flood and P Willis).
- Accounting at second level - measuring changes (with P Willis).
- Student perceptions of predictability of leaving certificate examination papers (with P Willis).
- Teachers perceptions of leaving certificate accounting (with P Willis).
- Accounting as a career choice (with P Willis).
- Occupational Safety and Health Law, School of Law, Trinity College Dublin. (PhD research).
- "Money Laundering" (with H Duggan) - Postgraduate collaboration.
- The State and gender ideology in the late 1950s: Ireland on the eve of modernisation.
- Changing gender values within state elities: Irish family law reform and west European policy trends in the 1960s.
- Party political responses to neo-liberalism and economic crisis: the emergence of Irish social concertation.
- Employer's organisations as national political actors: a comparison of the CBI and IBEC.
- The links between human resource management practices and employee commitment within the Irish Financial Services sector (PhD research).
- Obstacles to Peace: Ulster Unionism and the equality agenda in Northern Ireland. Book length study of Ulster unionism's attitude to the key issues in recent debates on 'equality' in Northern Ireland including policing, fair employment, cultural rights and Orange Marches. Due for completion in early 2002.
- Flexible Sovereignty: some empirical evidence from contemporary political actors. This is a study of non-Westphalian conceptions of sovereignty in practical use by political actors or in political agreements, looking at Kosovo, Bosnia, Scotland (the SNP) and Northern Ireland. Due for completion late 2001.
- The Unionist dimension in the US involvement in Northern Ireland (with E Aviotte) - Postgraduate collaboration.
- Obstacles to the Implementation of Peace Agreements (with C Lynch)
- Postgraduate collaboration.
- Divided Government in Comparative Perspective, Oxford, Oxford University Press, to be published in late 2001.
- The European social fund in the objective 1 region (with M Brown)
- Postgraduate collaboration.
- An organisational review of the Irish Labour Party (with P Fitzgerald)
- Postgraduate collaboration.
- Discpline in Irish Political Parties (with S Martin) - Postgraduate collaboration.
- The applicability of postmaterialism to the Irish and French Voter (with K McKenzie) - Postgraduate collaboration.
- Understanding Student Learning: A Study of Prospective Professional Accountants in Ireland. PhD research under the supervision of Prof. R.M.S. Wilson, Loughborough University.
- Measuring Student Approaches to Learning (with M Byrne and P Willis).
- Investigation of the Relationship of Approaches to Learning and Outcomes (with M Byrne and P Willis).
- Approaches to Learning of International Students (with M Byrne and P Willis).
- Course experience of accounting students (with M Byrne).
- Socialisation and initial work experience of audit trainees (with M Canning and B O'Dwyer).
- Towards a joint-optimization model of coupon redemption in Ireland (with B O'Dwyer) - Postgraduate collaboration.
- Longitudinal Consumer Sentiment Survey (with DCUBS Marketing Group colleagues).
- Oganisational influences on scientific research. This study will compare the organisational resources available to Nobel Laureates in Science with scientists of matched age and location, but who have not been awarded any distinctions.
- Towards a Person - Environment Model of Scientific Discovery (with J Ryan) - Postgraduate collaboration.
- The evolution of supply networks in the software sector in Ireland (on-going).
- The PC Industry in Ireland and Scotland (with C van Egeraat) - Postgraduate collaboration.
- Innovative firms in the clothing industry in Ireland (with P Mulvaney)
- Postgraduate collaboration.
- Environmental protection and the development of capability in the pharmaceutical industry in Ireland (with R Hilliard) - Postgraduate collaboration.
- Aspects of the furniture industry in Ireland (with K Heanue) -Postgraduate collaboration.
- Internet service providers - a contestable market? (with T Weymes)
- Postgraduate collaboration.
- Policy and Innovation in Low-Tech industries (PILOT), Research proposal, with a number of international partners, under the EU Fifth Framework Programme.
- Evaluation of proposals for change in the maintenance of aircraft (with S Ingle). Funded project, with a number of international partners, under the EU Fifth Framework Programme.
- Reflections on the incidence of market bubbles and market inefficiencies in the Irish and European Stock Markets (with B Byrne) -Postgraduate collaboration.
- The valuation of collateralised Debt obligations (with B O'Kelly)
- Postgraduate collaboration.
- Borrowing from Physics the principle of conservation of Energy (with V Poti) - Postgraduate collaboration.
- Industry Evolution: A comparative study of Irish Wholesaling (with J Quinn) -Postgraduate collaboration.
- An exploration of branding in high-tech business-to-business markets (PhD research)
- Longitudinal Consumer Sentiment Survey (with DCUBS Marketing Group colleagues)
- Management Learning (with F Buckley).
- An analysis of HR performance (with F Schuster).
- New management initiatives: trade union, management and employee relationships in dualist systems (with M McDonald) - Postgraduate collaboration.
- Juggling Competitiveness and Cohesion in the EU: A case study of Irish Industrial Relations.
- Corporate Governance and The Quality of Financial Reporting: A Comparative International Study (with T. Mock, University of Southern California and G. Krishnamoorthy, Northeastern University).
- Brand Central - learning to consume. An ethnographic study examining the impact of a designer outlet on a rural population - Ph.D. research.
- Management Control in the Auditing Profession.
- An Empirical Investigation of Management Accounting Practices in Irish Manufacturing Industry
- The performance of public companies following the issue of seasoned equity. Ph.D. research at the University of Dundee.
- An exploration of the factors that inhibit and encourage knowledge-sharing in Knowledge-Intensive-Firms (KIFs).
- The development and implementation of a capability model for marketing software (with S O'Shaughnessy) - Postgraduate collaboration.
- The meaning and purpose of quality in service agencies for person with mental handicap (with R Redmond) - Postgraduate collaboration.
- Longitudinal Consumer Research (with M Gannon, J Lynch and N O'Reilly).
- Book on Child Law in Ireland (with A McAuley).
- Consumer Behaviour of the Senior Market.
- The impact of bereavement on consumption.
- The role of tacit knowledge among salesforce personnel (with S Geiger) - Postgraduate collaboration.
- Accounting Education (with M Byrne and B Flood).
- Measuring Student Approaches to Learning (with M Byrne and B Flood).
- Investigation of relationship of Approaches to Learning and outcomes (with M Byrne and B Flood).
- Cultural Differences in Students' Approaches to Learning (with M Byrne and B Flood).
- Accounting at Second Level - Measuring Changes (with M Byrne).
- Student Perceptions of Predictability of Leaving Certificate Examination Papers (with M Byrne).
- Teachers perceptions of Leaving Certificate Accounting (with M Byrne).
- Accounting as a career choice (with M Byrne).
- Research into the nature & development of organisational competitiveness.
Research visits / Travel
Brady M- Visit to University of Lancaster to discuss PhD research with supervisors Professors Mike Pidd and Bob Rothschild, 3 October 2000 and 14 February 2001.
- Visit to Loughborough University for progress meeting regarding PhD studies, 2-3 December 2000.
- With K Heanue. Visit to research institute ISF in Munich, as part of preparation of PILOT proposal under Fifth Framework Programme, 14-15 September 2001.
- With S Ingle. Visit to KLM Engineering, as part of ADAMS II project, Amsterdam, 11-12 September 2001.
- Meeting with Professor B Andreosso, in Vittorio Veneto, Italy to discuss second edition of text book, 4 August 2001.