Annual Report 2001 - Exchange / Collaboration Agreements / Links with Foreign Universities / Institutions
annual report 2001
exchange / collaboration agreements / links with foreign universities / institutions
Faculty of Science and Health
School of BiotechnologyStephen Heaty (research student with R. O'Kennedy)
Spent five weeks in the laboratory of Prof E Chakraborty, University of Giessen, Germany, training in techniques relevant to working with recombinant strains of Listeria monocytogenes and production of antibodies specific to pathogenic Listeria species.
Stephen Daly (working with R. O'Kennedy)
Spent eight weeks in ATO DLO, The Netherlands working with Dr Aart
van Amerongen and Dr Jan Wichers on rapid methods for aflatoxin
Erasmus Student Exchange Agreement with the Ecole des Mines,
Ales, France.
In 2001 this agreement has resulted in the placement of two BT3
INTRA students on laboratory projects in Ales.
School of Chemical Sciences
The School of Chemical Sciences is involved with the following
- Canada University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
- York University, Ontario, Canada.
- University of Toronto, Canada.
- Imperial College, London, U.K.
- Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Oxford, UK
- University of Leeds, U.K.
- Hauptmann Woodward Medical Institute, Buffalo, NY, U.S.A.
Professor Anne Scott, brings to the School of Nursing significant European links, with University of Turku, Finland, University of Athens, Greece, Humboldt University, Germany.
Professor Scott also has links with the Institute for Philosophical Nursing Inquiry, University of Alberta, Canada. The Department of Nursing and Community Health , Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland
School of Physical SciencesThe School of Physical Sciences is involved in student exchanges under the EU Socrates Programme with the following universities:
- Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France
Two students from Dijon spent the academic year in DCU. - Université de Metz, France.
Four students from Metz spent one semester in DCU. - Universität Leipzig, Germany.
Two DCU students spent the academic year at Leipzig.
The School of Physical Sciences is an active member of the EUPEN (European Physics Education Network) Thematic Network in the teaching of Physics. This is supported by the EU Socrates programme and the European Physical Society. Coordination is by the University of Gent, Belgium and the network comprises 117 universities in 24 European countries.