DCU President's Office | Oifig an Uachtaráin
Annual Report 2001 - fiontar
annual report 2001
External Activities
External Lectures / Papers / Presentation
- External evaluation of the Higher Diploma in Applied Physics with a Modern European language at NUI Maynooth.
- Member of FIONTAR committee appointed by Bord na Gaeilge/An Foras Teanga to evaluate market performance of Comhar, Irish language monthly magazine which was in receipt of government subvention. - January 2001.
- Member of FIONTAR committee appointed by Údarás na Gaeltachta, to conduct external project evaluation and report on Muintearas na nOileán, Gaeltacht Research Education Project, August 2001.
- Joint co-ordinator of conference"Ardteicneolaíocht: Todhchaí na Gaeltachta?" for all members of FIONTAR staff and students to Carraroe in the Connemara Gaeltacht from 11-14 November 2000. The conference visit was sponsored by Údarás na Gaeltachta and included talks by various local entrepreneurs on local enterprise, both traditional craft-based enterprise and recent technological developments.
- Member of FIONTAR committee appointed by Bord na Gaeilge/An Foras Teanga to evaluate market performance of Comhar, Irish language monthly magazine which was in receipt of government subvention. - January 2001.
- Member of FIONTAR committee appointed by Údarás na Gaeltachta, to conduct external project evaluation and report on Muintearas na nOileán, Gaeltacht Research Education Project, August 2001.
- Joint co-ordinator of conference "Ardteicneolaíocht: Todhchaí na Gaeltachta?" for all members of FIONTAR staff and students to Carraroe in the Connemara Gaeltacht from 11-14 November 2000. The conference visit was sponsored by Údarás na Gaeltachta and included talks by various local entrepreneurs on local enterprise, both traditional craft-based enterprise and recent technological developments.
- Member of Coimisiún na Gaeltachta.
- Consultant Oxford English Dictionary.
- Series editor of Irish language academic monographs, Lúb ar Phár.
- Co-ordinator of FIONTAR committee appointed by Údarás na Gaeltachta, to conduct external project evaluation and report on Muintearas na nOileán, Gaeltacht Research Education Project, August 2001.
- Member of FIONTAR committee appointed by Bord na Gaeilge/An Foras Teanga to evaluate market performance of Comhar, Irish language monthly magazine which was in receipt of government subvention, January 2001.
- Contributor to Faoileán Árann, commemorative programme on Breandán Ó hEithir, RTÉ, 24 October 2000.
- Contributor to Morning Ireland, RTÉ, 25 August 2001.
- Contributor to BBC Radio, Northern Ireland, 27 March 2001.
- Contributor to An Chaint sa Chathair, Raidió na Gaeltachta, 4 April 2001.
- Interview profile in The Examiner, 8 December 2000.
- Interview in LÁ, 19 January 2001.
- Interview in FOINSE, 6 April 2001.
- Quoted in report, The Irish Times, 4 April 2001.
- Participant in preparation of CD-ROM of Irish/English terminology (including FIONTAR term database) with An Gúm, An Foras Teanga
- Co-ordinator of external liaison with the media.
- Contributor to LÁ Education Supplement, 21 September 2001.
- Member of FIONTAR committee appointed by Údarás na Gaeltachta, to conduct external project evaluation and report on Muintearas na nOileán, Gaeltacht Research Education Project, August 2001.