DCU President's Office | Oifig an Uachtaráin
Annual Report 2001 - fiontar
annual report 2001
External Activities
External Lectures / Papers / Presentation
- "Comhtháthú Foinsí Teilifíse Satailíte agus na Idirlíne sa timpeallacht Ríomhaireachta." Paper presented at NUI Maynooth, September 2001.
- "Development, econmics and environmental issues: a holistic perspective." Paper presented at conference organised by Comhlámh, Dublin, March 2001.
- "Entrepreneurship in the Gaeltacht - is it different? A study of entrepreneurship in a peripheral and minority language region." Doctoral seminar presentation at EIASM Conference, Prague, 23 November 2000.
- "Un nouvel élan au sein du clergé irlandais: la question des réfugiés et des demandeurs d'asile." Paper given at an international conference organised by DCU, the Université Jean Monnet, St Etienne (France) and the Università di Firenze (Italy), on the theme 'Clergés et Cultures Populaires', DCU, 14-16 June 2001.