Annual Report 2001 - Joint faculty of Education Studies

annual report 2001

joint faculty of education studies

External Activities
Appointments / Memberships: External Bodies

Cotter M
  • Chairman, National Policy Advisory and Development Committee (NPADC) for ICT in first and second level Education.
  • Member, National Council for Technology in Education (NCTE)
Curry J
  • Member, Irish Institute of Training and Development
  • Member, Irish Learning Technology Association
McKenna P
  • Member, Irish Institute of Training and Development
  • External Examiner, Division of In-Service Education Trinity College, Dublin
McNamara G
  • Member, Academic Council, St. Patrick's College, Drumcondra, Dublin 9
  • Member, Editorial Committee, Irish Educational Studies
  • Member, Board of Management, Discovery Learning Centre, Northside Area Partnership
Mulcahy C
  • Academic Advisor to Tipperary Rural and Business Development Institute in the subject area of Communications and Personal Development
  • Member, Selection Committee for appointment of Programme Specialists in the Rural Development and Communications field
  • Member of Teaching and Learning Committee, DCU
  • Member of AISHE
  • Member, Educate Together Strategic Planning Committee
  • Member, National Executive of Educate Together (May, 2001)
  • Appointed Director of Research with Educate Together (June 2001)
O'Hara J
  • Member, Educational Studies Association of Ireland
  • Member, Programme Board, Certificate in Adult Literacy, Waterford Institute of Technology