Annual Report 2001 - Joint faculty of Education Studies
annual report 2001
joint faculty of education studies
Unit Report
Head: Dr Gerry McNamara
- The development of a new track on Information and Communications Technology on the Graduate Diploma/M.Sc in Education and Training Management
- The introduction of an innovative flexible part-time Degree the B.Sc in Education and Training
- The completion of the 'Infet' Leonardo Da Vinci Programme Project and the launch of the Report - An Analysis of the Training Needs of Trainers in the Further Education Sector in Ireland by Minister, Willie O'Dea
Also developed during the past year was a new track on the existing highly successful Graduate Diploma/M.Sc in Education and Training Management. The existing programme was re-designated the Leadership track and the new track was designated the Information and Communication Technology track. The new track is a joint innovation with the School of Computer Applications which will provide the specialist modules for inclusion in the Programme. The Programme is aimed at educators who wish to increase their expertise in creating and managing ICT learning environments.
The School completed a major Leonardo Da Vinci Project (jointly funded by Department of Education and Science entitled 'Infet' An Analysis of the Training Needs of Trainers in the Further Education Sector in Ireland. This report was launched in DCU by the Minister for Adult Education, Dr Willie O'Dea on 3rd May 2001.
Also completed and published was the final report of the E.U. 5th Framework Project on 'Work Experience as an Educational Tool for the 21st Century'. The published work is by Dr Peter McKenna and Mr Colm O'Maolmhuire and entitled Work Experience in Ireland: Partnerships for Future Effectiveness.
The School commenced work on a number of new research projects including a HEA
funded project in developing teaching competence through on-line support using
the Webct system. A second HEA funded project on 'Evaluating and Enhancing the
Experience of Ethnic Minority Students in DCU is ongoing.
This year the School of Education Studies has further developed work in the area of Positive Discipline in post primary schools and has conducted in-service for some 23 schools and other groups at the Teachers Education Centres throughout the country.
The School is with partners in Ireland, the UK, and Spain to develop a significant
research centre to build upon the work of the Centre for Pluralism in Education
and enable large scale trans-national research projects in the field of
Educational disadvantage, access, equity and pluralism to be undertaken.
The Annual Science Olympiad was held in Dublin City University on December 8th
2001. Students from most countries took part and trophies and medals were awarded
to the top students in Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Computer Programming
in a number of age categories by Minister Noel Treacy T.D. (Director: Michael
A. Cotter)
The Irish student teams to represent Ireland at the International Science Olympiads
in Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Informatics were selected in May 2002. These
students, who had been awarded the top marks at the Irish Science Olympiad receive
residential training in DCU prior to their departure to the Internationals in
(Director: Michael A. Cotter)
The Chairman Michael A. Cotter of the National Policy Advisory and Development
Committee for ICT at first and second level education published the results
on a National Survey on the Impact of Schools IT 2000. This report was presented
to the Minister for Education and Science Dr Michael Woods TD in January 2002.
(NPADC Chairman: Michael A. Cotter)