Annual Report 2001 - Library

annual report 2001


External Activities
Appointments / Memberships: External Bodies

Allen Julie
  • Institutional Membership:
  • Member, Library Association of Ireland
  • Committees
    - Secretary, LIR : HEAnet User Group for Libraries
Bowden, Lisa
  • Member, Library Association of Ireland
Breen, Ellen
  • Member, Library Association of Ireland
  • Member, ANLTC (The Academic & National Library Training Co-operative)
Byrne Nuala
  • Member, Library Association of Ireland
Corcoran, Miriam
  • Institutional Membership:
  • Member, Library Association of Ireland
  • Member, Institute of Personnel Development
  • Committees:
    - Member, CONUL (Consortium of National and University Libraries) Committee on Copyright and Related Rights
    - Member, Quality Promotion Committee, DCU
    - Member, Quality Peer Review Group for the School of Physics, DCU
Cuffe Susan
  • Member, Library Association of Ireland
Duncan, Daphne
  • Member, Library Association of Ireland
Hill Janice
  • Member, Library Association of Ireland
McFeeley, Geraldine
  • Institutional Membership:
    - Member, Library Association of Ireland
    - Member, AGI (Acquisitions Group of Ireland)
  • Committees:
    - Convenor, CONUL (Consortium of National and University Libraries) Irish Theses Database Committee
    - Member, CONUL (Consortium of National and University Libraries) Legal Deposit Committee
    - Member, CONUL (Consortium of National and University Libraries) Preservation Committee
    - Member, University Structures Working Group, DCU
Marron Gillian
  • Member, Irish Health Sciences Library Group
  • Member, Libraries for Nursing (Subgroup of the Health Libraries of the Library Association, UK)
  • Member, Library Association of Ireland
Meehan, David
  • Member, Library Association of Ireland
Sheehan, Paul
  • Committees:
    - Member, CHIU (Conference of Heads of Irish Universities), Librarians Committee
    - Member, CONUL, (Consortium of National and University Libraries) Librarians Committee
    - Member, SCONUL (Society of College National and University Libraries), Librarians Group
    - Member, ACOSC (SCONUL Advisory Committee on Scholarly Publishing)
  • Professional Bodies:
    - An Chomhairle Leabharlanna
  • Institutional Membership:
    - IATUL (International Association of Technological University Libraries)
    - LIBER (Ligue des Bibliotheques Européennes de Recherche)
    - IRIS (Consortium of Irish University and Research Libraries)
    - CONUL (Consortium of National and University Libraries)
    - SCONUL (Society of College, National and University Libraries)