DCU President's Office | Oifig an Uachtaráin
Annual Report 2001 - National Cell and Tissue Culture Centre
annual report 2001
national cell and tissue culture centre
Research Carried out / Ongoing
- With P Doolin H Joyce and M Clynes Applications of ribozyme technology in cancer research.
- With I Bray and M Clynes Investigation of the possibility that ribozyme cleavage of bxl-xl mRNA may produce a novel Pro-apoptotic protein in human cancer cells Funded by Health Research Board.
- With D Cronin and M Clynes Investigation of apoptosis and other mechanisms of cell death caused by anticancer drugs Funded by BioResearch Ireland and Industry.
- With A Larkin and M Clynes Expression of MRP family members and their possible role in chemotherapy resistance in human breast cancers Funded by Cancer Research Advancement Board.
- With D O'Driscoll M Smyth J Keenan C O'Grady and M Clynes Fermentation of animal cells and downstream processing of their protein products Funded by Industry.
- With N Daly F O'Sullivan B Power J McMorrow and M Clynes New Genomic/Proteomic Technologies applied to identifying new targets for drug treatment of cancer Funded by Enterprise Ireland Strategic Research Grants Scheme.
- With F O'Sullivan and M Clynes Growth control differentiation and serum-free media in human lung cancer cells.
- With L O'Driscoll and M Clynes Use of antibodies and gene probes to investigate molecular alterations in human cancer cells and tissues Funded by BioResearch Ireland.
- With AM Larkin and M Clynes Novel monoclonal antibodies for multidrug-resistance-associated antigens Funded by Industry.
- With M Clynes Design synthesis and biological evaluation of novel MRP inhibitors to enhance the activity of anti-cancer drugs Funded by HRB - Inter-Disciplinary.
- With M Heenan Y Liang S Glynn and M Clynes Investigation of pharmacological intervention in multiple drug resistance in human lung cancer cells.
- With P Gammell and R Linehan Tissue engineering - design of artificial ß-cells.
- With R Linehan and M Clynes Investigation of possible role for Surviving in resistance to chemotherapy and radiation in human cancer cells Funded by Health Research Board.
Gammell P
- Professor Per Bendix Jeppessen, Aarhus University Denmark, March 2001 Hospital, Aarhus