Annual Report 2001 - Office of the Dean of Research
annual report 2001
office of the dean of research
Dean: Professor Conor Long
Unit Report
- 100+ postgraduate students move into new Postgraduate Centre.
- DCU unsuccessful in attracting funding under Cycle 2 of the Programme for Research in Third Level Institutions (PRTLI) co-ordinated by the Higher Education Authority.
- National Institute for Cellular Biotechnology shortlisted under Cycle 3 of the PRTLI.
- Construction work begins on Research and Engineering Building, funded under Cycle 1 of the PRTLI.
- New University Strategy prioritises a focused research strategy.
- Research Advisory Panel and Research Committee established to advise and oversee research policy at DCU.
- Research Support System launched to provide information on DCU research and researchers to the public.
- Dean of Research gives details of new annual Research Seminar Series.
- Office of the Dean of Research website launched at www.research.dcu.ie
- Professor Conor Long announces the completion of his tenure as Dean of Research.
The Dean of Research has continued to successfully support investment in the research enterprise at DCU over this reporting period. The result is the further development of DCU's research infrastructure and enhanced opportunities to attract and employ research postgraduates and research staff. The Dean of Research, Professor Conor Long is pleased to report on the following Office initiatives in particular.
100+ postgraduate students move into new Postgraduate Centre.
The excellent quality of the accommodation has helped to ensure that the
newly completed Postgraduate Centre has achieved 100 % occupancy rates
since it opened in 2000. We acknowledge with thanks the efficiency of
the accommodation managers, Campus Residences Ltd. for successfully moving
over 100 postgraduate students into their new apartments before Christmas
The Office of the Dean of Research has also been part of this great migration. Having taken up residency in the Centre in December 2000, the team is benefiting from members working together for the first time, in a dedicated suite of new offices located on the ground floor of the Postgraduate Centre.
DCU unsuccessful in attracting funding under Cycle 2 of the Programme
for Research in Third Level Institutions (PRTLI).
DCU was informed in this reporting period that it has been unsuccessful
in achieving funding under Cycle 2 of the PRTLI. The lessons learnt from
the process and indeed, from the previously successful Cycle 1 bid have,
however, supported preparation of a highly focussed proposal submitted
under Cycle 3 of the Programme also in the reporting period. See the following
section for more details.
National Institute for Cellular Biotechnology shortlisted under Cycle
3 of the Programme for Research in Third Level Institutions.
The proposal to establish a National Institute for Cellular Biotechnology
at DCU submitted under Cycle 3 of the PRTLI, has been shortlisted by the
Higher Education Authority for assessment under Phase II of the Programme.
If successful, the NICB programme will investigate the molecular functions
of human cells in order to discover and develop new treatments for a variety
of human diseases, with particular emphasis on cancer, diabetes and infections.
The proposal is based on DCU's well established reputation in biotechnology
and is led by Prof Martin Clynes, currently Director of the National Cell
and Tissue Culture Centre. DCU introduced the first undergraduate programme
in biotechnology in 1982 and since then has developed teaching and research
in biotechnology as a core focus. News of awards will be announced by
the Higher Education Authority by the end of 2001.
New University Strategy prioritises a focused research strategy
The DCU Strategic Plan 2001 - 2005: 'Leading Change' was published
in 2001, following intensive consultation with University staff. The Plan
incorporates a clear commitment to the research undertaking at DCU, to
be realised through 6 cross-disciplinary academic themes. These 6 themes
offer a framework for prioritising strategic development of research resources
and investment in the future, which will be further detailed in a companion
implementation document.
Research Advisory Panel and Research Committee established to implement
research policy at DCU.
In February, 2001, the Dean of Research reorganised the decision-making
structures for research at DCU, in order to maximise opportunities for
the strategic development of research and to ensure the widest possible
representation by researchers in institutional decision-making. The new
organisational structure consists of two integrated bodies, the Research
Committee and the Research Advisory Panel. The role of the Research Committee
is to formulate and implement research strategy. Membership consists of
senior University managers, including the DCU President and is chaired
by the Dean of Research. The representative Research Advisory Panel consists
of Research Convenors from each School, as well as representatives of
University Designated Research Centres and National Centres. The role
of the Research Advisory Panel is to represent the interests of the research
community in advising the Research Committee and to stimulate research
in the prioritised areas of the Leading Change themes.
Research Support System launched to provide information on DCU research
and researchers to the public.
In an exciting new development, the Dean of Research has launched
a research support system, designed to match expertise in the university
with the requirement of multinational and national concerns. The DCU Research
Support System, developed by Infoed (Europe Ltd.) will present the research
information of faculty members on the DCU web, to promote DCU research
globally. As a further integrated feature, Individual researchers will
benefit from the system's capability to access funding information, based
on self-selected preferences. The University will accrue additional benefits
from the potential for using system to generate annual report data in
the future. Training on the new system is ongoing, however a number of
researcher profiles are already on the system and available via a number
of search options. The Research Support System can be accessed through
the Office of the Dean of Research website at www.research.dcu.ie and
has also been registered with a number of internet search engines, as
Construction work begins on Research and Engineering Building, funded
under Cycle 1 of the PRTLI.
Construction work has begun on the Research and Engineering Building,
which will accommodate the National Centres funded by the Higher Education
Authority under Cycle 1 of the Programme for Research in Third Level Institutions
(PRTLI) and incorporating the Faculty of Engineering. Due for completion
in 2002, the building will provide over 5,000 square metres of dedicated
research space to some 300 researchers working in the National Centres
and represents an important landmark in the development of the physical
research infrastructure at DCU. The National Centres funded under Cycle
1 of the PRTLI include the National Centre for Sensor Research, the National
Centre for Plasma Science and Technology and the Research Institute for
Networks and Communications Engineering.
Dean of Research gives details of new annual Research Seminar Series.
In February 2002, The Dean of Research launched a new annual Research
Seminar Series to showcase the research of Albert College Fellowship award
recipients. Albert College Fellowships are given each year for the outstanding
research achievements of a small number of academic researchers, including
both established researchers and researchers at the start of their research
careers. The series represents the first time that these researchers have
an opportunity to inform a campus-wide audience about the work which lead
to their award. The seminars take place at lunchtime every alternate Thursday
throughout the second semester.
Office of the Dean of Research website launched at www.research.dcu.ie
The Office of the Dean of Research has launched a new website
at www.research.dcu.ie. The website provides information on DCU research
to members of the public, potential postgraduates and DCU staff members.
The website, which incorporates the new Research Support System, will
also permit electronic delivery of many of the Office services in the
Professor Conor Long announces the completion of his tenure as Dean
of Research.
Following completion of two terms as Dean of Research, Professor Conor
Long has announced that he will return to academic teaching and research
at the end of 2001. The Office staff add their congratulations to those
of the President in acknowledging Professor Long's many successes and
invaluable leadership as the first ever Dean of Research at DCU, in a
period of unprecedented growth in the national research environment. We
wish Conor every success in the future!